we find a little hack to fix the problem.
it's seems like the bug is random, but sometimes the dynamic font code request some character that are not in the texture, and unity code answer to this request like they are already on the texture. certanly a texture saving fail on some hardware.
exemple is "a" is in the texture ? --> yes (but if we look at the texture there is no a)
how we fix it (not very clean but it work).
when the page finish building (dynamic build of list from servers) so every text is on the UIlabel we call two function of the UIfont after waiting some frames to avoid problems.
ClearCharacterInfo(); (make unity rebuild the font)
Edit we add this font ion into UiFont.cs
public void ClearCharacterInfo() {
mDynamicFont.characterInfo = null;
this option may use some memory, but it is the safer way to assure that the text will be shown well on the devices who are concerned by this bug.