First, sorry for my ugly English. I'm French and really bad at grammar... OK word spelling also...
I tried to interact a javascript based project with NGUI. Searched for examples and tips but everything i found was not revelant enough for me to make it works.
I put all the folders in the plugin folder as intended, created a "test.js" file i put in a button object, then worked hard to get the "OnClick" information on this button or the change value of a slider.
I tried many ways, even by script reference :
#pragma strict
var _camera:UICamera;
function Onstart() {
_camera = Camera.main.GetComponent(UICamera);
function Update() {
//test = _camera.OnHover;
test = _camera.OnHover();
// .. and many other tries...
And it did not even worked.
I tried also with accessing the UICamera function like with iTween, but no success also.
Does anyone got a working solution because all my google/board search where unsuccessfully.
Thanks for your help and your time !
Best Regards,