I'm having some headache getting my UI ready for a Universal build. The UI was designed for non-retina iPads and the artist has some questions i cant really answer. He was hoping we'd be able to just scale the UI down and make it fit on other resolutions but that doesnt seem to do the trick nice enough as we have some pretty wide or high UItextures and they just get clipped.
The screenshot below is for 768 x 1024
How can i make this correctly fit the other resolutions? Do i need to tell the artist to produce assets for all the various sizes or is there a quick way to scale it all down? I do use anchors for positioning.
Below is a screenshot of the level selection, which uses a lot of UITextures as they are quite big.
I've bought and tried using RetinaPro but that requires a lot of assets to be made and does weird things with positioning.