As I've mentioned twice before, HUDText goes underneath your UI hierarchy under UIRoot. There is always only one UI hierarchy. That's why UIRoot is called "UIRoot". UIFollowTarget goes on the game object right above each HUDText. For each HUDText you will have a new parent object with UIFollowTarget on it. Don't forget to set the camera on it.
- UI Camera
-- Anchor (center)
--- GameObject with UIFollowTarget on it, set to follow your 3D model
---- Label for unit name
---- Slider for unit health, etc
---- GameObject with HUDText on it
--- GameObject with UIFollowTarget on it, set to follow your 3D model
---- Label for unit name
---- Slider for unit health, etc
---- GameObject with HUDText on it
--- GameObject with UIFollowTarget on it, set to follow your 3D model
---- Label for unit name
---- Slider for unit health, etc
---- GameObject with HUDText on it