I have a couple of meshcolliders in a Unity scene, as well as an NGUI Button.
When I click the mouse, I call a Physics.Raycast aimed using `Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);`. This works as expected.
When I click the NGUI button, and there is a mesh collider "behind" the button, it triggers both the button & and the meshcollider -- that is to say, the NGUIButton does not stop the raycast, and the result is that both the meshcollider is clicked AND the button is triggered.
This combination is resulting in erroneous behaviour.
I am looking for help / suggestions on how to fix this -- right now NGUI is not under the hierarchy of the main camera (since the main camera moves, and the GUI doesn't), but moving the anchors under it did not seem to help. Any thoughts or suggestions?