// NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit
// Copyright © 2011-2013 Tasharen Entertainment
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// This script can be used to stretch objects relative to the screen's width and height.
/// The most obvious use would be to create a full-screen background by attaching it to a sprite.
/// </summary>
public class UIStretch : MonoBehaviour
public enum Style
FillKeepingRatio, // Fits the image so that it entirely fills the specified container keeping its ratio
FitInternalKeepingRatio // Fits the image/item inside of the specified container keeping its ratio
/// <summary>
/// Camera used to determine the anchor bounds. Set automatically if none was specified.
/// </summary>
public Camera uiCamera = null;
/// <summary>
/// Object used to determine the container's bounds. Overwrites the camera-based anchoring if the value was specified.
/// </summary>
public GameObject container = null;
/// <summary>
/// Stretching style.
/// </summary>
public Style style = Style.None;
/// <summary>
/// Whether the operation will occur only once and the script will then be disabled.
/// </summary>
public bool runOnlyOnce = false;
/// <summary>
/// Relative-to-target size.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 relativeSize = Vector2.one;
/// <summary>
/// The size that the item/image should start out initially.
/// Used for FillKeepingRatio, and FitInternalKeepingRatio.
/// Contributed by Dylan Ryan.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 initialSize = Vector2.one;
/// <summary>
/// Padding applied after the size of the stretched object gets calculated. This value is in pixels.
/// </summary>
public Vector2 borderPadding = Vector2.zero;
// Deprecated legacy functionality
[HideInInspector][SerializeField] UIWidget widgetContainer;
Transform mTrans;
UIWidget mWidget;
UISprite mSprite;
UIRoot mRoot;
Animation mAnim;
Rect mRect;
void OnEnable ()
mAnim = animation;
mTrans = transform;
mWidget = GetComponent<UIWidget>();
mSprite = GetComponent<UISprite>();
void Start ()
if (container == null && widgetContainer != null)
container = widgetContainer.gameObject;
widgetContainer = null;
if (uiCamera == null) uiCamera = NGUITools.FindCameraForLayer(gameObject.layer);
mRoot = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIRoot>(gameObject);
void Update ()
if (mAnim != null && mAnim.isPlaying) return;
if (style != Style.None)
UIWidget wc = (container == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIWidget>();
UIPanel pc = (container == null && wc == null) ? null : container.GetComponent<UIPanel>();
float adjustment = 1f;
if (wc != null)
Bounds b = wc.CalculateBounds(transform.parent);
mRect.x = b.min.x;
mRect.y = b.min.y;
mRect.width = b.size.x;
mRect.height = b.size.y;
else if (pc != null)
if (pc.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
// Panel has no clipping -- just use the screen's dimensions
float ratio = (mRoot != null) ? (float)mRoot.activeHeight / Screen.height * 0.5f : 0.5f;
mRect.xMin = -Screen.width * ratio;
mRect.yMin = -Screen.height * ratio;
mRect.xMax = -mRect.xMin;
mRect.yMax = -mRect.yMin;
// Panel has clipping -- use it as the mRect
Vector4 pos = pc.clipRange;
mRect.x = pos.x - (pos.z * 0.5f);
mRect.y = pos.y - (pos.w * 0.5f);
mRect.width = pos.z;
mRect.height = pos.w;
else if (container != null)
Transform root = transform.parent;
Bounds b = (root != null) ? NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(root, container.transform) :
mRect.x = b.min.x;
mRect.y = b.min.y;
mRect.width = b.size.x;
mRect.height = b.size.y;
else if (uiCamera != null)
mRect = uiCamera.pixelRect;
if (mRoot != null) adjustment = mRoot.pixelSizeAdjustment;
else return;
float rectWidth = mRect.width;
float rectHeight = mRect.height;
if (adjustment != 1f && rectHeight > 1f)
float scale = mRoot.activeHeight / rectHeight;
rectWidth *= scale;
rectHeight *= scale;
Vector3 size
= (mWidget
!= null) ? new Vector3
.width, mWidget
.height) : mTrans
if (style == Style.BasedOnHeight)
size.x = relativeSize.x * rectHeight;
size.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight;
else if (style == Style.FillKeepingRatio)
// Contributed by Dylan Ryan
float screenRatio = rectWidth / rectHeight;
float imageRatio = initialSize.x / initialSize.y;
if (imageRatio < screenRatio)
// Fit horizontally
float scale = rectWidth / initialSize.x;
size.x = rectWidth;
size.y = initialSize.y * scale;
// Fit vertically
float scale = rectHeight / initialSize.y;
size.x = initialSize.x * scale;
size.y = rectHeight;
else if (style == Style.FitInternalKeepingRatio)
// Contributed by Dylan Ryan
float screenRatio = rectWidth / rectHeight;
float imageRatio = initialSize.x / initialSize.y;
if (imageRatio > screenRatio)
// Fit horizontally
float scale = rectWidth / initialSize.x;
size.x = rectWidth;
size.y = initialSize.y * scale;
// Fit vertically
float scale = rectHeight / initialSize.y;
size.x = initialSize.x * scale;
size.y = rectHeight;
if (style == Style.Both || style == Style.Horizontal) size.x = relativeSize.x * rectWidth;
if (style == Style.Both || style == Style.Vertical) size.y = relativeSize.y * rectHeight;
if (mSprite != null)
float multiplier = (mSprite.atlas != null) ? mSprite.atlas.pixelSize : 1f;
size.x += borderPadding.x * multiplier;
size.y += borderPadding.y * multiplier;
mSprite.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.x);
mSprite.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.y);
size = Vector3.one;
else if (mWidget != null)
mWidget.width = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.x + borderPadding.x);
mWidget.height = Mathf.RoundToInt(size.y + borderPadding.y);
size = Vector3.one;
size.x += borderPadding.x;
size.y += borderPadding.y;
if (mTrans.localScale != size)
mTrans.localScale = size;
if (runOnlyOnce && Application.isPlaying) Destroy(this);