Great job ArenMook! It was painless to upgrade my project from 2.7 -> 3.0! Only took me a couple of hours, and your readme files & video tutorials are much appreciated. Also very psyched to hear there will be an upgrade path for NGUI3 -> uGUI, whenever it finally gets in the wild. A few nagging concerns for me about NGUI3. Maybe just confusion on my part, needing clarification :
Scaling of Sprites & LabelsSeems we now have two methods of scaling: a) the dimensions of the Widget can be adjusted by using the ngui handles == the dimensions fields in the inspector or b) the traditional way of adjusting the widget's transform with Unity transform
Is there anything wrong with just continuing to do (b)? It's the workflow I'm used to. Does it kill the drawcalls or anything bad like that? Any reason to use (a) if one doesn't want to?
Nesting of widgets allowedThis is great- has been a bit of orthodoxy that we've had to work around in the past, creating lots of empty gameobjects just as containers. Glad this constraint is removed. However, if we are doing (b) then I guess we could get into serious issues having non unit-scaled widgets parented to other widgets?
Are there two event systems available via code now?It seems that we can use UIEventListener, or the new EventDelegate stuff. And in the video you skipped over some lines of code using UIEventListener. Will both continue to work and be supported? I was surprised that my code like this still works:
UIEventListener.Get (lastMoveButton).onClick += BoneGraph.instance.OnLastMoveButtonClick;