Author Topic: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings  (Read 2967 times)


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Example, if I know I will be fine with the visual impact of changing compression from off (Truecolor) which is set by NGUI Atlas Maker automatically to say 16-bit, then I should be able to do so (I am) and later changes from Atlas Maker should not override this everytime the atlas is updated (currently it does).

In a 2048 atlas this can make the difference of 21MB vs. 10MB so that's a big deal. If I have largely monochrome icons and fonts in there, I'll happily enabled compression. So please Atlas Maker don't keep turning it back off! Same for Aniso Level (I know the sprites will always remain flat 2D iso mode so no perspective-projection so no need for Aniso higher than 1) but that one's less major but still :)


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Re: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2013, 03:17:30 AM »
which version u on? I dont have that problem I just have "override for iphone" always ticked and it stays on whatever compression settings I left it at. I assume the overrides work the same way on other platforms too.


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Re: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2013, 04:20:05 AM »
Unity Pro 4.2.1fa, NGUI 3.0.0d:

Overrides don't matter, my project is currently Android and sensibly texture compression defaults to ETC1/RGBA16 but here's the thing, that's just the default and I can still override it per-texture and that's what I do because in some cases I want to retain true-color (ever seen a 16-bit compressed skybox? ugh) while in others I want to force RGBA16 compression:

When I do so and update the Atlas via Atlas Maker, my current texture import settings are overwritten by NGUIs Atlas Maker, whereas Unity Pro and Android Pro themselves always freely let me override/customize them wherever I please.

Now I get that Atlas Maker is re-generating the texture but it should be possible for it to retain texture import settings. Fine-tuning like this matters to me, and as I said the difference between a 21MB and a 10MB texture is no joke and as I keep updating the Atlas in this project for weeks or months to come I don't want to manually fix this up every single time...


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Re: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2013, 07:46:36 PM »
Open NGUIEditorTools and search for "RGBA32". Comment out both lines, and it won't force the atlas to be truecolor type anymore.

It does it for clarity purposes. Compressed textures for UIs = terrible idea. Especially shitty compression algorithms like PVRTC.


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Re: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2013, 11:35:06 PM »
Cannot be generalized. Each use-case is its own situation. In my gray-scale scenario with many fonts I have zero noticable quality loss but reduce VRAM consumption from 21MB to 10MB.

So I can tweak some source file to change this.

Now you push out updates almost every day, is this supposed to be the only solution for me? Customize source files every other day? Can't you pretty-please put a little simple check-box in the Atlas Maker or the properties-inspector for an Atlas prefab? Surely this isn't totally impossible. Label it something safe such as "Use recommended tex-import settings" and have it checked by default? Any chance of such a fix-up at all?


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Re: Request: Atlas Maker should let me tweak its texture-import settings
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2013, 04:06:06 PM »
I will consider adding an option for it in a future update.