Q: How to get smooth jitter-less movement?Structure your moving objects like so:
Rigidbody, TNObject, any sync script you need (such as TNSyncRigidbody)
- Collider 1
- Collider 2
- GameObject with LagPosition (and possibly LagRotation) on it
-- Renderer
Note that the renderer is
not on the same object as the rigidbody.
This will mean that the rigidbody and colliders will always be using the latest data, while the renderer will trail behind your rigidbody (due to the Lag scripts which do smooth interpolation), thus resulting in smooth looking movement.
Using this method I also suggest greatly reducing the frequency of your sync updates. In the
Multi-Platform Game Starter Kit I sync'd the rigidbody only 4 times per second, and even that was too much. The trick is to instead immediately sync it after something important happens, such as an explosion -- and also to sync whatever causes it to move as soon as it happens (such as a key being pressed).
So TL;DR: Let your clients do their own movement logic. Correct them only periodically.