I'm really looking forward to transitioning to uGUI. The only concern is that we've been really spoiled by your ability to push out fixes and new versions quickly and efficiently. So my request is to see if we can make sure that we can maintain some sort of ability to download updates without waiting for new Unity versions.
In regards to GUI functionality and some holes that I see in the functionality.
Text Flow: The biggest request by far, but I'd really love to get some text flow improvements. This would include functionality such as having text flow along a a curve or other shape. This would allow you to make a label fill a non-rectangular shape such as around a circular UI element. I'm not sure how you'd do this other than maybe making a new subset of components (similar to tweens) that would alter the flow of text along an animation curve or something. Another part of this feature would be to allow text to have flow elements that it would watch out for and would create new line breaks based on the collision with these elements. For example, if I have a sprite in the upper left of a text area, the label would automatically position itself in the UILabel where it would not overlap with this sprite. Having this done dynamically would greatly help with localization.
Dynamic Font Emoticons: This is pretty self-explanatory, but having an easy way to embed sprites in a UILabel would be great. Having some advanced parameters could also be great. Such as [#spriteName#DEPTH:-1#SIZE:32x32] to get a sprite rendered below the label's depth at a size of 32x32. The reason to specify the depth is to try to get this sprite to batch with the other sprite elements could be +/-. The reason to specify the size is that if I want to downsize a larger icon to fit into the label, I may need to shrink it to fit it into the space. Or the sprite that I'm using may not be square. Then being able to link to an atlas on the label that the text would automatically space appropriately to fit.
Multi-Edit UITexture: This is a relatively small request, but since you added it for some of your bigger ones (UISprite and UILabel), I thought I'd request this one as well.
Android Mouse Support: Another minor request, but having supported Android mouse support implemented into the tool would be nice so that I don't have to worry about it being overwritten by updates.
Non-Rect Sprite/Texture Mesh: I'd like to be able to specify a mesh for sprites if desired. So that I can provide a mesh that is non-rectangular in order to cut down fill-rate if there are large portions that are alpha. If it came with a snazzy editor that'd be sweet too, but at the very least a link to a custom mesh if desired.
Obviously, these kind of features are pretty advanced. I really appreciate you asking the community for some feedback. I hope that after uGUI you might work on integrating TNET into Unity. Although I have a feeling that keeping up with community requests and bugs is going to be a full-time job.