Your anchor system works like a charm yet most of the time, you organize controls filling the space of the container being a window, a panel or whatever you might think of.
Thus, I feel easier to have at the container level an inspector that lets me tweak child UIWidgets' anchors seeing all of them.
I for instance am making a tile based UI using some sort of custom page system which gives you this current result (yet to be improved): order to organize my tiles for each page, I made a custom inspector that mimics (not totally) your UIRectEditor code looking for all the page tiles children and rendering in the Inspector the anchors. I can then adjust in the same place all the anchors for all these sub widgets in one single place without having to move my mouse from the Hierarchy window to the Inspector window then back to the Hierarchy window to select another one, and so on...
You made some great misknown tools in the NGUIEditorTools which I even use on my custom Monobehaviours. I even believe a video dedicated to developers willing to extend NGUI for their own purpose would be great
If you're not up to fulfill this request, I'll be fine, I made my way through my custom anchor inspector and even if it doesn't has all the features you provide with, it serves my current purpose