I just started exploring NGUI 3x for our new project and although there's many a great addition I do think some stuff could be improved/added.
-The handles for widgets can only turn on or off. I personally really like the scale and even rotate handles, but I really hate how I can't use the move gizmo to only move over the x or y axis. Dragging via the transform box is just a pain in the butt as well. Would love an option to disable certain handles instead of only being able to turn all on or off.
-Tween Height and Width, but no "combined" script. It feels like a waste to have to reference to two scrips each time I wish to scale, instead of one.
-Attaching a button script on a widget doesn't automatically add a collider and there's no option for an imagebutton(you can still of course find it in the scripts folder but still..)
-The legacy widget tool says you can search for "Control" and add it to your scene but there's nothing that contains the name "Control" in my project folder when using the latest NGUI from the asset store. I can't say it works like it, but I like the widget tool because you float the window anywhere and create stuff on the fly without having to browse trough menus. Would love to know where I can find control and find out what it does.
-No more hotkeys for atlas maker ;_;
All the changes take a bit getting used to but mostly it's all positive. I hope all the above is something you can agree with and ends up on your todo list, it would greatly benefit myself and I hope it will others as well.