Author Topic: 2 UI Storage containers on different ui screens interfering with each other.  (Read 2549 times)


  • Guest
My problem is as follows. I have two storage containers in the same scene using the UIitem Storage script. While the Storage container for the main menu is active the storage container on the Inventory screen will not be mouse overable. When i deactivate the storage container for the main menu the inventory one will work as intended. This single storage container is affecting the other but not any others. I am curious as to why this is. Creating a brand new empty game object and applying the script to that does not fix the problem.


  • Guest
Ultimately i want both containers to use the same database and the second to be a mirror image of the first one.


  • Guest
Found the problem. This was it.

You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.
If you want to move widgets to a different layer, parent them to a new panel instead.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object)
UIWidget:CheckLayer() (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/Internal/UIWidget.cs:191)
UIWidget:CreatePanel() (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/Internal/UIWidget.cs:176)
UIWidget:set_material(Material) (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/Internal/UIWidget.cs:99)
UISprite:set_sprite(Sprite) (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/UI/UISprite.cs:147)
UISprite:get_sprite() (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/UI/UISprite.cs:129)
UISlicedSprite:UpdateUVs(Boolean) (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/UI/UISlicedSprite.cs:72)
UISprite:OnStart() (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/UI/UISprite.cs:284)
UIWidget:Start() (at Assets/Plugins/NGUI/Internal/UIWidget.cs:267)