Several things changed between NGUI 2 and 3, and I would like to request the FAQ to either point to how-to's, documentation, or even those nice YouTube videos explaining how to do things.
For example, I used to use Tweens with
TweenScale.Begin(gameObject, scaleTime, newScale).onFinished += MyOnTweenFinished;
I'm not sure how it's changed, or where to look to see how to do it now with 3.0.7. Do I use
EventDelegate.Add(myTween.onFinished, MyOnTweenFinished);
or something else?
This, and other changes to NGUI, are many of my Frequently Asked questions.
EDIT:Just saw that we're now getting a dedicated Documentation section ( Yay!
So maybe the FAQ could point to either the entire section OR to individual threads, like (for Tweens).