Hi guys,
I just implemented the joystick script found here into my project:
http://www.tasharen.com/?topic=an-ngui-virtual-joystick-solutionI've got it fixed and sync'd with another script to move the player around, sitting on the bottom-left corner of the screen. I'm also adding 2-3 buttons on the right side of the screen. Unfortunately, while holding/dragging the joystick, any touches on the buttons on the other side of the screen influence it (I cannot move left while pressing a button that's on the right of the screen). If I hold the button and THEN activate the joystick, it doesn't seem to affect it anymore no matter how many times I press the button. Obviously this isn't a fix.
I'm not a pro at programming. I've tried adding a bool to check if the joystick is already pressed, and another to assign a touchID and only take inputs from that. If me posting here wasn't clear enough, my attempts failed. So if anyone can help me out with this it would be very much appreciated. Or perhaps someone else has used this joystick and already implemented a fix for this?