Can you elaborate on that, and is it something related to ?
Actually, I don't have that setup anymore, but it was kinda like this:
- Panel A
-- ScrollView A (Soft Clipping)
--- Widgets
Setting the alpha of Panel A to 0 on start (I think), and then back to 1 later on will cause the panel to not render until dragged. I also noticed some issues when having nested panels and dragging the alpha back and forth quickly (widgets in nested panels would sometimes not draw until panel dragged). There was also issues when fiffling with a widget (Swop Panel A for a widget). There was some issues with the clipped widgets (in ScrollView A) not being set to "Not Visible" even though they where outside the clipping-area.
I think if you just setup a simple inception-scene (nested panels & widgets in a few different combinations), you'll find most of the bugs mentioned above.
Also, if both panels in the example above is set to soft clipping, Panel A will not set ScrollView A (the child panel) to "not visible" even though it's being clipped by Panel A. Obviously this is a special-case because of the new support of nested panels, but it should also hide child-panels for efficiency.
Edit. The fix you linked did not work for the case of:
- Widget
-- Panel A (soft clip)
--- Panel B (constrained)
Setting the Widget.alpha = 0f; at start, then swopping it to 1 later will cause Panel B to draw nothing until refreshed (dragged in my case).