Hello again
Currently in my HUD I have 4 anchors, since the GUI elements are positioned relatively so they switch nicely on any resolution.
The anchors are called "Center, Top-Left, Top-Right ant Top-Center". This is also their position on screen (and the value for their "Side" property).
Now, every anchor has a Panel as a child, with several widgets in it. In the UIPanel script, I can also see the number of "Draw calls" and "Widgets".
Even though it says 1 draw call, this is per panel, from what I see. So 4 panels means 4 draw calls.
In the Statistics Window, in the "Draw calls" value, I can see this decreasing if I deactivate panels one by one while the game runs.
Is there any way to make this all take 1 draw call? Or maybe we only have 1 draw call per panel or per anchor and I did not understand it right.
Anyway, currently I have between 32-34 draw calls, and if I disable the NGUI GUI completely, I get around 22 draw calls, which is quite an improvement for a mobile game. Question is, what am I doing wrong?