I have 2 Questions about the NGUI System...
My first problem is. I have a DropDown Menue. (3 of them)
With each i would like to load a new GUI. So fore example. At the Dropdown list i have: 1, 2, 3, 4 ore more Skilltrees. (See Pieces)
I glick in the first Dropdown on Magic. Then it come the Question. "Do you want to use the Skilltree Magic?" "Yes ore not?". I press yes, so the Macig Skills GUI is activated. Now i can not more change this Dropdown to a other Skilltree. I hope you can anderstand.
My second question: I have also test the asset from the website here with his skills, but that dosent work fore me...
So how i can do then when i aktivat Macig and it must Show me the Skills from Macig. And then i can dropable this in Hotkeyslots? And how i can aktivate the skill with click on it the Skill? And the last is. First some Skills must be Inaktiv(not usable before i have the right level), but i woud like to see it. With a mouse ouver Efeckt with Informations about the Skill.
Thank for your Help verry mutch. I have at the moment only the Dropdowns with the Names of the Skills... More i cant do