First of all, Great packages , using extensively FoW and HudText.
Just noticed 2 issues with Tasharen Fog Of War.
1. In the FowSystem class in RevealUsingLOS() and RevealUsingCache() methods there is incositency in the dimensioning of the variables, in the case of
(dist < maxRange)Vector2 v
= new Vector2
(xd, yd
v *= r.inner;
int sx= cx+ Mathf.RoundToInt(v.x);
int sy= cy+ Mathf.RoundToInt(v.y);
all the variables are declared in "texture" space (i.e. multiplied with worldtoTex), except the r.inner value which is declared in "real world" value. So , the fix is to multiply them by worldToTex also
int sx= cx+ Mathf.RoundToInt(v.x * worldToTex);
int sy= cy+ Mathf.RoundToInt(v.y * worldToTex);
2. The second one is more of a special case handling. For instance I'm having a huge world (size), with a relatively small texture size for the fog texture. So in a specific scenario it is possible for the revealer cache calculations to have errors in the approximation. Namely the RevealIntoCache method works with
Test Scenario :
Fow System :
position in real world {{7500,120,7300}}
World size : 178000
Texturesize : 1024
Position of revealer in "FoW" world : {(2615.0, 59.0, 6079.0)} , radius inner: 1200 , outer :1250
worldToTex = 0,05752809
int size = Mathf.RoundToInt(xmax - xmin);
.cachedBuffer = new bool[size
* size
];r.cachedSize = size;
the calculation of xmin , xmax , ymin, ymax suffers a loss in precision and the cache buffer is smaller.
(IE ,
Mathf.RoundToInt(xmax - xmin) == 143 while
Mathf.RoundToInt(ymax - ymin) == 144)
, so the line
r.cachedBuffer[(x - xmin) + (y - ymin) * size] = true;
As a safety precaution (temp fix) i formed a buffer from the largest of the min-max range
int size = Mathf.Max(Mathf.RoundToInt(xmax - xmin), Mathf.RoundToInt(ymax - ymin));