Hello everyone, I tested out my ngui setup for a draggable panel today, and got some some pretty sub-par results. I'm sure the problem is me (not knowing what to look for), and was wondering if I could get some feedback on what is causing the performance problems. Below, is a readout of stats from the game (while it was in Unity and XCode) as well as a screenshot so you can get an idea of what I'm going for:
- This is on a iPhone 4
- all atlases and atlas materials are unlit/transparent colored and no larger than 2048x2048
- when switching to this screen on the iPhone, I can actually see these images being loaded in according to their depth (so background, then image, then image frames, etc).
Xcode general stats: cpu memory fps
23% 28.4mb 22
xcode opengl es stats: utilization (tiler) utilization (renderer) frametime (cpu) frame time (GPU)
3% 100% 7.5ms 45ms
unity internal profiler stats: cpu player cpu ogles-drv cpu-present cpu-waits-gpu frametime update
6.31 0.9 37.6 37.6 45 3.2
unity editor stats: draw calls used textures Vram VBO total
10 4-46mb 1.9 to 46.6mb 23-106KB
Any ideas are appreciated.