I'm confused by this thread. OP said that the inspector is stuck in Unified mode. First reply is regarding the aspect ratio (which is invalid -- you can't set the aspect ratio when the widget is unified-anchored). Last reply seems to be about some visual indicators? Which visual indicators? There is no consistency here. Q = move the camera around and has nothing to do with widgets. NGUI's functionality only kicks in if you have it set to W = move tool, and only if NGUI -> Options -> Handles is turned on.
My apologies, but I thought the OP was similar to my issue where the Button (for example) was locked in position when I had Anchor unified mode set.
By visual indicators I mean the NGUI gizmo's which show up that allow you to scale, move etc the selected component.
"Q = move the camera around and has nothing to do with widgets. NGUI's functionality only kicks in if you have it set to W = move tool, and only if NGUI -> Options -> Handles is turned on"
This is the issue, now resolved. I had Handles turned off, but the handles show when Q is selected. When I turn handles on the behavior is as expected.
Please see the attached shots which illustrate what I mean with handles = off.
I'm still in the NGUI3 learning curve and didn't have the handles turned on, but the unexpected editor behavior with Q button and handles is what threw me.