That's probably what I'm doing…BUT…
…I'm happy to do it another, better way if you have a suggestion
…it worked fine prior to NGUI 3.5.7 and Unity 4.5.1
…this implies we can't update content on inactive tabs at runtime which doesn't sound right
I'll try to work up a repro, but here are the basics:
start a scene with Example 13, Tabs
insert a scrollview from Example 7, Scroll View Panel into the content section of each Tab page
when the scene is playing, run a script that re-populates the items in the UIGrid for each scroll view. FYI, my usage scenario is getting the latest list of open and closed matches from the server.
if you run the scene before switching tabs, things should work. If you switch tabs before running the script, NGUITools.AddChild will create a phantom UIRoot/Camera, probably because you're trying to add a child to a disabled object on the hidden tab.