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UIPanel Class Reference

UI Panel is responsible for collecting, sorting and updating widgets in addition to generating widgets' geometry. More...

Inheritance diagram for UIPanel:

Public Types

enum  RenderQueue { RenderQueue.Automatic, RenderQueue.StartAt, RenderQueue.Explicit }
- Public Types inherited from UIRect
enum  AnchorUpdate { AnchorUpdate.OnEnable, AnchorUpdate.OnUpdate, AnchorUpdate.OnStart }

Public Member Functions

delegate void OnGeometryUpdated ()
delegate void OnClippingMoved (UIPanel panel)
override Vector3[] GetSides (Transform relativeTo)
 Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. The order is left, top, right, bottom. More...
override void Invalidate (bool includeChildren)
 Invalidating the panel should reset its alpha. More...
override float CalculateFinalAlpha (int frameID)
 Widget's final alpha, after taking the panel's alpha into account. More...
override void SetRect (float x, float y, float width, float height)
 Set the panel's rectangle. More...
bool IsVisible (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d)
 Returns whether the specified rectangle is visible by the panel. The coordinates must be in world space. More...
bool IsVisible (Vector3 worldPos)
 Returns whether the specified world position is within the panel's bounds determined by the clipping rect. More...
bool IsVisible (UIWidget w)
 Returns whether the specified widget is visible by the panel. More...
bool Affects (UIWidget w)
 Whether the specified widget is going to be affected by this panel in any way. More...
void RebuildAllDrawCalls ()
 Causes all draw calls to be re-created on the next update. More...
void SetDirty ()
 Invalidate the panel's draw calls, forcing them to be rebuilt on the next update. This call also affects all children. More...
override void ParentHasChanged ()
 Find the parent panel, if we have one. More...
void SortWidgets ()
 Immediately sort all child widgets. More...
UIDrawCall FindDrawCall (UIWidget w)
 Insert the specified widget into one of the existing draw calls if possible. If it's not possible, and a new draw call is required, 'null' is returned because draw call creation is a delayed operation. More...
void AddWidget (UIWidget w)
 Make the following widget be managed by the panel. More...
void RemoveWidget (UIWidget w)
 Remove the widget from its current draw call, invalidating everything as needed. More...
void Refresh ()
 Immediately refresh the panel. More...
virtual Vector3 CalculateConstrainOffset (Vector2 min, Vector2 max)
 Calculate the offset needed to be constrained within the panel's bounds. More...
bool ConstrainTargetToBounds (Transform target, ref Bounds targetBounds, bool immediate)
 Constrain the current target position to be within panel bounds. More...
bool ConstrainTargetToBounds (Transform target, bool immediate)
 Constrain the specified target to be within the panel's bounds. More...
Vector2 GetViewSize ()
 Panel's size – which is either the clipping rect, or the screen dimensions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UIRect
void Update ()
 Rectangles need to update in a specific order – parents before children. When deriving from this class, override its OnUpdate() function instead. More...
void UpdateAnchors ()
 Manually update anchored sides. More...
void SetAnchor (Transform t)
 Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. Note that this function will not keep the rectangle's current dimensions, but will instead assume the target's dimensions. More...
void SetAnchor (GameObject go)
 Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. Note that this function will not keep the rectangle's current dimensions, but will instead assume the target's dimensions. More...
void SetAnchor (GameObject go, int left, int bottom, int right, int top)
 Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. More...
void ResetAnchors ()
 Ensure that all rect references are set correctly on the anchors. More...
void ResetAndUpdateAnchors ()
 Convenience method that resets and updates the anchors, all at once. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static int CompareFunc (UIPanel a, UIPanel b)
 Function that can be used to depth-sort panels. More...
static UIPanel Find (Transform trans)
 Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. More...
static UIPanel Find (Transform trans, bool createIfMissing)
 Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. More...
static UIPanel Find (Transform trans, bool createIfMissing, int layer)
 Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. More...

Public Attributes

OnGeometryUpdated onGeometryUpdated
 Notification triggered when the panel's geometry get rebuilt. It's mainly here for debugging purposes. More...
bool showInPanelTool = true
 Whether this panel will show up in the panel tool (set this to 'false' for dynamically created temporary panels) More...
bool generateNormals = false
 Whether normals and tangents will be generated for all meshes More...
bool widgetsAreStatic = false
 Whether widgets drawn by this panel are static (won't move). This will improve performance. More...
bool cullWhileDragging = true
 Whether widgets will be culled while the panel is being dragged. Having this on improves performance, but turning it off will reduce garbage collection. More...
bool alwaysOnScreen = false
 Optimization flag. Makes the assumption that the panel's geometry will always be on screen and the bounds don't need to be re-calculated. More...
bool anchorOffset = false
 By default, non-clipped panels use the camera's bounds, and the panel's position has no effect. If you want the panel's position to actually be used with anchors, set this field to 'true'. More...
bool softBorderPadding = true
 Whether the soft border will be used as padding. More...
RenderQueue renderQueue = RenderQueue.Automatic
 By default all panels manage render queues of their draw calls themselves by incrementing them so that the geometry is drawn in the proper order. You can alter this behaviour. More...
int startingRenderQueue = 3000
 Render queue used by the panel. The default value of '3000' is the equivalent of "Transparent". This property is only used if 'renderQueue' is set to something other than "Automatic". More...
List< UIWidgetwidgets = new List<UIWidget>()
 List of widgets managed by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself. More...
List< UIDrawCalldrawCalls = new List<UIDrawCall>()
 List of draw calls created by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself. More...
Matrix4x4 worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.identity
 Matrix that will transform the specified world coordinates to relative-to-panel coordinates. More...
Vector4 drawCallClipRange = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 Cached clip range passed to the draw call's shader. More...
OnClippingMoved onClipMove
 Event callback that's triggered when the panel's clip region gets moved. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from UIRect
AnchorPoint leftAnchor = new AnchorPoint()
 Left side anchor. More...
AnchorPoint rightAnchor = new AnchorPoint(1f)
 Right side anchor. More...
AnchorPoint bottomAnchor = new AnchorPoint()
 Bottom side anchor. More...
AnchorPoint topAnchor = new AnchorPoint(1f)
 Top side anchor. More...
AnchorUpdate updateAnchors = AnchorUpdate.OnUpdate
 Whether anchors will be recalculated on every update. More...
float finalAlpha = 1f
 Final calculated alpha. More...

Static Public Attributes

static List< UIPanellist = new List<UIPanel>()
 List of active panels. More...

Protected Member Functions

override void OnStart ()
 Layer is used to ensure that if it changes, widgets get moved as well. More...
override void OnEnable ()
 Reset the frame IDs. More...
override void OnValidate ()
override void OnInit ()
 Mark all widgets as having been changed so the draw calls get re-created. More...
override void OnDisable ()
 Destroy all draw calls we've created when this script gets disabled. More...
override void OnAnchor ()
 Update the edges after the anchors have been updated. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UIRect
Vector3 GetLocalPos (AnchorPoint ac, Transform trans)
 Helper function that gets the specified anchor's position relative to the chosen transform. More...
void Start ()
 Set anchor rect references on start. More...
virtual void OnUpdate ()
 Abstract update functionality, ensured to happen after the targeting anchors have been updated. More...


static int nextUnusedDepth [get]
 Helper property that returns the first unused depth value. More...
override bool canBeAnchored [get]
 Whether the rectangle can be anchored. More...
override float alpha [get, set]
 Panel's alpha affects everything drawn by the panel. More...
int depth [get, set]
 Panels can have their own depth value that will change the order with which everything they manage gets drawn. More...
int sortingOrder [get, set]
 Sorting order value for the panel's draw calls, to be used with Unity's 2D system. More...
float width [get]
 Panel's width in pixels. More...
float height [get]
 Panel's height in pixels. More...
bool halfPixelOffset [get]
 Whether the panel's drawn geometry needs to be offset by a half-pixel. More...
bool usedForUI [get]
 Whether the camera is used to draw UI geometry. More...
Vector3 drawCallOffset [get]
 Directx9 pixel offset, used for drawing. More...
UIDrawCall.Clipping clipping [get, set]
 Clipping method used by all draw calls. More...
UIPanel parentPanel [get]
 Reference to the parent panel, if any. More...
int clipCount [get]
 Number of times the panel's contents get clipped. More...
bool hasClipping [get]
 Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children. More...
bool hasCumulativeClipping [get]
 Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children. More...
bool clipsChildren [get]
Vector2 clipOffset [get, set]
 Clipping area offset used to make it possible to move clipped panels (scroll views) efficiently. Scroll views move by adjusting the clip offset by one value, and the transform position by the inverse. This makes it possible to not have to rebuild the geometry, greatly improving performance. More...
Vector4 clipRange [get, set]
 Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead. More...
Vector4 baseClipRegion [get, set]
 Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead. More...
Vector4 finalClipRegion [get]
 Final clipping region after the offset has been taken into consideration. XY = center, ZW = size. More...
Vector2 clipSoftness [get, set]
 Clipping softness is used if the clipped style is set to "Soft". More...
override Vector3[] localCorners [get]
 Local-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. More...
override Vector3[] worldCorners [get]
 World-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. More...
- Properties inherited from UIRect
GameObject cachedGameObject [get]
 Game object gets cached for speed. Can't simply return 'mGo' set in Awake because this function may be called on a prefab. More...
Transform cachedTransform [get]
 Transform gets cached for speed. Can't simply return 'mTrans' set in Awake because this function may be called on a prefab. More...
Camera anchorCamera [get]
 Camera used by anchors. More...
bool isFullyAnchored [get]
 Whether the rectangle is currently anchored fully on all sides. More...
virtual bool isAnchoredHorizontally [get]
 Whether the rectangle is anchored horizontally. More...
virtual bool isAnchoredVertically [get]
 Whether the rectangle is anchored vertically. More...
virtual bool canBeAnchored [get]
 Whether the rectangle can be anchored. More...
UIRect parent [get]
 Get the rectangle's parent, if any. More...
UIRoot root [get]
 Get the root object, if any. More...
bool isAnchored [get]
 Returns 'true' if the widget is currently anchored on any side. More...
abstract float alpha [get, set]
 Local alpha, not relative to anything. More...
abstract Vector3[] localCorners [get]
 Local-space corners of the UI rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. More...
abstract Vector3[] worldCorners [get]
 World-space corners of the UI rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. More...
float cameraRayDistance [get]
 Helper function that returns the distance to the camera's directional vector hitting the panel's plane. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from UIRect
GameObject mGo
Transform mTrans
BetterList< UIRectmChildren = new BetterList<UIRect>()
bool mChanged = true
bool mStarted = false
bool mParentFound = false
Camera mCam
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from UIRect
static Vector3[] mSides = new Vector3[4]

Detailed Description

UI Panel is responsible for collecting, sorting and updating widgets in addition to generating widgets' geometry.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Member Function Documentation

void UIPanel.AddWidget ( UIWidget  w)

Make the following widget be managed by the panel.

bool UIPanel.Affects ( UIWidget  w)

Whether the specified widget is going to be affected by this panel in any way.

virtual Vector3 UIPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset ( Vector2  min,
Vector2  max 

Calculate the offset needed to be constrained within the panel's bounds.

override float UIPanel.CalculateFinalAlpha ( int  frameID)

Widget's final alpha, after taking the panel's alpha into account.

Implements UIRect.

static int UIPanel.CompareFunc ( UIPanel  a,
UIPanel  b 

Function that can be used to depth-sort panels.

bool UIPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds ( Transform  target,
ref Bounds  targetBounds,
bool  immediate 

Constrain the current target position to be within panel bounds.

bool UIPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds ( Transform  target,
bool  immediate 

Constrain the specified target to be within the panel's bounds.

static UIPanel UIPanel.Find ( Transform  trans)

Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform.

static UIPanel UIPanel.Find ( Transform  trans,
bool  createIfMissing 

Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform.

static UIPanel UIPanel.Find ( Transform  trans,
bool  createIfMissing,
int  layer 

Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform.

UIDrawCall UIPanel.FindDrawCall ( UIWidget  w)

Insert the specified widget into one of the existing draw calls if possible. If it's not possible, and a new draw call is required, 'null' is returned because draw call creation is a delayed operation.

override Vector3 [] UIPanel.GetSides ( Transform  relativeTo)

Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. The order is left, top, right, bottom.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

Vector2 UIPanel.GetViewSize ( )

Panel's size – which is either the clipping rect, or the screen dimensions.

override void UIPanel.Invalidate ( bool  includeChildren)

Invalidating the panel should reset its alpha.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

bool UIPanel.IsVisible ( Vector3  a,
Vector3  b,
Vector3  c,
Vector3  d 

Returns whether the specified rectangle is visible by the panel. The coordinates must be in world space.

bool UIPanel.IsVisible ( Vector3  worldPos)

Returns whether the specified world position is within the panel's bounds determined by the clipping rect.

bool UIPanel.IsVisible ( UIWidget  w)

Returns whether the specified widget is visible by the panel.

override void UIPanel.OnAnchor ( )

Update the edges after the anchors have been updated.

Implements UIRect.

delegate void UIPanel.OnClippingMoved ( UIPanel  panel)
override void UIPanel.OnDisable ( )

Destroy all draw calls we've created when this script gets disabled.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

override void UIPanel.OnEnable ( )

Reset the frame IDs.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

delegate void UIPanel.OnGeometryUpdated ( )
override void UIPanel.OnInit ( )

Mark all widgets as having been changed so the draw calls get re-created.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

override void UIPanel.OnStart ( )

Layer is used to ensure that if it changes, widgets get moved as well.

Implements UIRect.

override void UIPanel.OnValidate ( )
override void UIPanel.ParentHasChanged ( )

Find the parent panel, if we have one.

Reimplemented from UIRect.

void UIPanel.RebuildAllDrawCalls ( )

Causes all draw calls to be re-created on the next update.

void UIPanel.Refresh ( )

Immediately refresh the panel.

void UIPanel.RemoveWidget ( UIWidget  w)

Remove the widget from its current draw call, invalidating everything as needed.

void UIPanel.SetDirty ( )

Invalidate the panel's draw calls, forcing them to be rebuilt on the next update. This call also affects all children.

override void UIPanel.SetRect ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height 

Set the panel's rectangle.

Implements UIRect.

void UIPanel.SortWidgets ( )

Immediately sort all child widgets.

Member Data Documentation

bool UIPanel.alwaysOnScreen = false

Optimization flag. Makes the assumption that the panel's geometry will always be on screen and the bounds don't need to be re-calculated.

bool UIPanel.anchorOffset = false

By default, non-clipped panels use the camera's bounds, and the panel's position has no effect. If you want the panel's position to actually be used with anchors, set this field to 'true'.

bool UIPanel.cullWhileDragging = true

Whether widgets will be culled while the panel is being dragged. Having this on improves performance, but turning it off will reduce garbage collection.

Vector4 UIPanel.drawCallClipRange = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

Cached clip range passed to the draw call's shader.

List<UIDrawCall> UIPanel.drawCalls = new List<UIDrawCall>()

List of draw calls created by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself.

bool UIPanel.generateNormals = false

Whether normals and tangents will be generated for all meshes

List<UIPanel> UIPanel.list = new List<UIPanel>()

List of active panels.

OnClippingMoved UIPanel.onClipMove

Event callback that's triggered when the panel's clip region gets moved.

OnGeometryUpdated UIPanel.onGeometryUpdated

Notification triggered when the panel's geometry get rebuilt. It's mainly here for debugging purposes.

RenderQueue UIPanel.renderQueue = RenderQueue.Automatic

By default all panels manage render queues of their draw calls themselves by incrementing them so that the geometry is drawn in the proper order. You can alter this behaviour.

bool UIPanel.showInPanelTool = true

Whether this panel will show up in the panel tool (set this to 'false' for dynamically created temporary panels)

bool UIPanel.softBorderPadding = true

Whether the soft border will be used as padding.

int UIPanel.startingRenderQueue = 3000

Render queue used by the panel. The default value of '3000' is the equivalent of "Transparent". This property is only used if 'renderQueue' is set to something other than "Automatic".

List<UIWidget> UIPanel.widgets = new List<UIWidget>()

List of widgets managed by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself.

bool UIPanel.widgetsAreStatic = false

Whether widgets drawn by this panel are static (won't move). This will improve performance.

Matrix4x4 UIPanel.worldToLocal = Matrix4x4.identity

Matrix that will transform the specified world coordinates to relative-to-panel coordinates.

Property Documentation

override float UIPanel.alpha

Panel's alpha affects everything drawn by the panel.

Vector4 UIPanel.baseClipRegion

Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead.

override bool UIPanel.canBeAnchored

Whether the rectangle can be anchored.

int UIPanel.clipCount

Number of times the panel's contents get clipped.

Vector2 UIPanel.clipOffset

Clipping area offset used to make it possible to move clipped panels (scroll views) efficiently. Scroll views move by adjusting the clip offset by one value, and the transform position by the inverse. This makes it possible to not have to rebuild the geometry, greatly improving performance.

UIDrawCall.Clipping UIPanel.clipping

Clipping method used by all draw calls.

Vector4 UIPanel.clipRange

Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead.

bool UIPanel.clipsChildren
Vector2 UIPanel.clipSoftness

Clipping softness is used if the clipped style is set to "Soft".

int UIPanel.depth

Panels can have their own depth value that will change the order with which everything they manage gets drawn.

Vector3 UIPanel.drawCallOffset

Directx9 pixel offset, used for drawing.

Vector4 UIPanel.finalClipRegion

Final clipping region after the offset has been taken into consideration. XY = center, ZW = size.

bool UIPanel.halfPixelOffset

Whether the panel's drawn geometry needs to be offset by a half-pixel.

bool UIPanel.hasClipping

Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children.

bool UIPanel.hasCumulativeClipping

Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children.

float UIPanel.height

Panel's height in pixels.

override Vector3 [] UIPanel.localCorners

Local-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right.

int UIPanel.nextUnusedDepth

Helper property that returns the first unused depth value.

UIPanel UIPanel.parentPanel

Reference to the parent panel, if any.

int UIPanel.sortingOrder

Sorting order value for the panel's draw calls, to be used with Unity's 2D system.

bool UIPanel.usedForUI

Whether the camera is used to draw UI geometry.

float UIPanel.width

Panel's width in pixels.

override Vector3 [] UIPanel.worldCorners

World-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: