« on: September 07, 2013, 01:35:59 AM »
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(185,81): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 185)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(185,67): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `NGUITools.GetActive(UnityEngine.GameObject)' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 185)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(185,67): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `UnityEngine.GameObject'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 185)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(194,68): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 194)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(194,55): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(UnityEngine.Object)' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 194)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(194,55): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `UnityEngine.Object'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 194)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(203,44): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `cullingMask' and no extension method `cullingMask' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 203)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(223,47): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `name' and no extension method `name' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 223)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(224,70): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 224)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(224,54): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEngine.LayerMask.LayerToName(int)' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 224)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(224,54): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `int'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 224)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(233,66): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 233)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(234,60): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 234)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(234,47): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UnityEditor.EditorUtility.SetDirty(UnityEngine.Object)' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 234)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(234,47): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `UnityEngine.Object'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 234)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(246,52): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `GetComponent' and no extension method `GetComponent' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 246)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(251,68): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `gameObject' and no extension method `gameObject' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 251)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(262,63): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `cullingMask' and no extension method `cullingMask' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 262)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(262,44): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `UICameraTool.LayerMaskField(int, params UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[])' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 262)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(262,44): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `int'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 262)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(264,41): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `cullingMask' and no extension method `cullingMask' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 264)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(266,57): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `NGUIEditorTools.RegisterUndo(string, params UnityEngine.Object[])' has some invalid arguments
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 266)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(266,57): error CS1503: Argument `#2' cannot convert `Camera' expression to type `UnityEngine.Object[]'
(Filename: Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs Line: 266)
Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Editor/UICameraTool.cs(267,45): error CS1061: Type `Camera' does not contain a definition for `cullingMask' and no extension method `cullingMask' of type `Camera' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)