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Messages - yohann

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Misc Archive / Re: New Unity GUI and NGUI
« on: March 18, 2014, 03:04:02 PM »
Just found this: Per the Unity FAQs, it will be released as part of v4.6 this Spring.

Misc Archive / Re: New Unity GUI and NGUI
« on: March 18, 2014, 02:45:21 PM »
According to the TechCrunch article, Unity CEO says the new GUI is still coming in a 4.x release.

Misc Archive / Test-driven development with Unity?
« on: February 06, 2014, 05:39:40 PM »
Does anyone do test-driven development with Unity? I can find very little about it online which suggests not many are doing it. I'd love to hear if anyone has any experience with this.

Misc Archive / Re: The default schedule of Michael Lyashenko
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:04:27 AM »
Thanks for that. I want to be a better designer, a better dev, all that...but really I just want to get shit done. So I appreciate the insight from someone who seems to be doing that quite well. Keep it up, and thanks again for sharing.

Misc Archive / The default schedule of Michael Lyashenko
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:27:38 PM »
I would love to know what your default weekly schedule looks you arrange your work day/week to allow you to improve awesome tools like NGUI, provide amazing support, have a life, sleep, etc.

Can you share?

I have an NGUI UI with a 3 x 3 grid of crosshairs that overlays a first person view. That all works great, but now I need to be able to do/show stuff when each of those 9 crosshairs overlays an object in the 3D world.

Maybe put simpler, how do I detect when an NGUI element is over a 3D gameobject, and then get info about that 3D object?

I'm usually pretty good at figuring stuff out, but I'm at a loss here of where to even start. Any ideas or direction is greatly appreciated!!

Bah. Yeah...I guess it does make sense. I'll proceed with a work-around. I really appreciate your responses.

You have to test on a prefab. I have Unity Pro 4.2.1f4, NGUI 3.0.0e, and I am able to consistently reproduce this bug.

1) Create a UIButton prefab
2) Apply some OnClick settings via the editor ON THE PREFAB in the PROJECT ASSETS (NOT in the hierarchy, in other words)
3) Save your scene, close the scene/open another scene, and then reopen the original scene...OnClick settings are gone.

Can anyone else confirm or refute this?

Can anyone else confirm that UIButton OnClick editor settings are not being saved after closing Unity? (See attached)

I'm not trying to maintain references across levels, I'm just saying that loading, say, Level 1, resets my UIButton OnClick settings for Level 0. No errors; it just resets. The reason this feels like a bug is that it only resets if I'm watching it in the Inspector. If I make sure something else is visible in the Inspector when I run the game, it works great.

You know how when you run a game, you can jack around with Inspector settings, but when you stop the game it goes back to pre-run settings? That's what it feels like it's doing...treating my OnClick settings as if I set them while running the game and then resets them when I stop the game.

[UPDATE] Here's an even simpler example: OnClick settings don't seem to be saved at all with the scene. I set it, save it, close it, open it, and it's reset. :(

NGUI 3 Support / UIButton OnClick settings get erased from Editor (3.0.0d)
« on: September 25, 2013, 08:19:12 PM »
I'm using the new feature in the editor to assign a method to a UIButton's OnClick stuff. This UIButton object is part of a prefab that spawns many buttons at runtime that load different levels. When I test the game, everything works as it should, but when I stop the game, the OnClick stuff gets reset to it's empty state.


If I'm not viewing the OnClick stuff in the Inspector while doing the test above, everything stays saved...nothing gets erased. It's only when I have the OnClick stuff showing in the Inspector does stuff get erased after I stop the game.

[UPDATE] just to clarify, you need to load a different level while testing the game to see the OnClick settings get reset in the Inspector

Got it. Thanks so much!!

Hey there, I'm needing to do a similar thing. What did you end up doing? Two diff cameras within the same UIRoot? Or two UIRoots? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Thanks for the reply! I'm new to Unity, so can you tell me: is this a requirement just of NGUI or is it a fundamental game design concept using Unity?

(SEE ATTACHED IMAGE) I have two cameras, sort of a picture-in-picture, except I want to toggle between full screen and a "windowed" screen. I'm making the windowed screen via the camera.pixelRect property. This works fine...until I add an NGUI element, at which point the disabled full screen camera doesn't clear the image from the screen after it's disabled. Please please help.

EDIT: I've discovered that I can fix this by changing any of the values of Normalized View Port Rect of the NGUI camera by some insignificant amount, such as changing the W param from 1 to 1.001. This gets it working, but I'd sure like a non-hacky way of solving this. Any ideas?

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