« on: July 10, 2014, 02:35:59 AM »
Hi there,
I'm using 3.6.6 and I've tried to create a UITexture with a button script and collider. The reason I use a UITexture is because the image for the button is downloaded from the internet, saved in memory and then loaded when needed. I noticed though that regularly, and it's not clear to me when, the UITexture component is replaced by a UISprite, thus making my game crash when I try to access the mainTexture parameter that UISprite doesn't have obviously.
Is it NGUI that changes that when I build my project for iOS or Android? Or is it Unity that does that? Again, I have no idea when this happens exactly, but after a bit I notice the error and I see that the UITexture has become a UISprite class.
Any idea why that could be? Is it because I attached a button component to it?