« on: December 11, 2013, 12:33:36 AM »
I've been working on making a GUI for a while now, and I've run into a problem. A lot of the time with objects with UISprites, especially ones copied, it will only snap to whole numbers in its position if I try to drag it in the scene. I don't understand what's causing this, and it's making things very frustrating. It doesn't seem to happen when I make new objects, only when I try to copy and paste them. I don't want to remake every single button.
I've tried to see what the problem is, and it's definitely related to the UISprite script, as even when I delete all child objects and all other components, it still has the issue. I can get around it by editing the transform values directly, but it's incredibly irritating.
EDIT: In addition, it seems to be making the sprite sizes horribly big. The size needs to be something like .002 for it to be reasonably sized in my screen. This affects both my assets and pre-bundled ones.