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Messages - maaya

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I'm so sorry about my confusion.  :-[ :(


Very sorry for the delay in followup. I did not get a notification and was waiting for some direction.
Here is the downloadable test Assets folder: <link removed>

I'll keep a close eye on this thread.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Some progress..phew!

Looks like the issue is with iOS and Android as the target platform. Works fine with Unity 5.5.2, NGUI 3.11.4 on the standalone platform.

I just sent a bare bones test scene to support [at]
All and any help is much much appreciated.

I tried to troubleshoot the issue playing with different NGUI and Unity versions.

Looks like something changed with NGUI in Unity 5 that I am unable to pinpoint. U4.5.2 and NGUI3.4.9 work perfectly.
The same NGUI 3.4.9 with Unity 5.5.2 moves the object disconnected from the mouse pointer.

Any pointers will be much appreciated since I am at a wall.

Thanks in advance.

No, unfortunately this is a result of the upgrade  :(
It was working just fine prior to the upgrade.


I recently upgraded the project to v3.11.3 with no other custom code changes. This issue has popped up where an item is being moved and the gameobject is no longer under the mouse but is moving all over the place. It gets dropped on wherever the mouse cursor is when released.

I havent changed anything else, except upgrade NGUI from v3.7 to 3.11.3. Any pointers will be much appreciated.


NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIPopupList position issue
« on: July 14, 2017, 07:55:36 PM »
The issue was resolved by updating to the latest 3.11.4 version. No other code changes.


NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIPopupList position issue
« on: April 15, 2017, 01:03:31 AM »

I am running into a similar issue with 3.11.2 where the "Drop-down list" is showing way way below compared to where the actual UIPopuplist GameObject is.

Any pointers to how to resolve the issue?

Before creating the new atlas, the atlas which broke was previously selected inside the atlas creator interface.

This is a bug, but I have managed to correct the breakage :)

Can you please elaborate how you corrected the breakage? The same sequence of events happened with my Unity project and I tried clearing the Library and Temp files and re-imported all the assets.
Git shows no changes to the Atlas files but Unity is not reading the Atlas correctly. The images in "View Sprites" are all messed up  :-[

NGUI Version: 3.4.9


NGUI 3 Support / UIInput and Controller Joystick going berserk
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:56:37 PM »

I am porting a perfectly working Unity-NGUI game to Ouya and am running into issues with UIInput using a controller.

The joystick navigation works fine on the main menu with half a dozen buttons. (using UIKeyNavigation on each button)

But it breaks on the signup and login forms.
The Login form is very simple with 4 widgets, each with UIKeyNavigation: email (Starts Selected), password, cancel and submit buttons.

1. Once the keyboard is closed, the UIInput was setting isSelected=false which sets the UICamera.selectedObject to null and UIKeyNavigation was no longer working. I uncommented that line so that when the keyboard is closed, the input is still selected and I can use the joystick to move to the next element.

2. But with the change in #1, after entering data in any input field using the on-screen Ouya keyboard, moving the (left) joystick up or down freezes the axis value without returning it to zero (accounting for the dead zone). This is then interpreted as move-up or move-down by UICamera and it cycles through each form field - bringing up the keyboard, closing it, moving to the next field, bringing up the keyboard (if its an input field) etc.. until move the joystick in several ways to stop the cycle.

I noticed a comment in UIInput.cs that says:
// Unity has issues bringing up the keyboard properly if it's in "hideInput" mode and you happen
// to select one input in the same Update as de-selecting another.

And I checked my 2 inputs that they are not set to "Hide Input".

I am so close to wrapping this game and am stuck with this form issue.
I'd really appreciate any help/guidance.


NGUI 3 Support / Re: OUYA Button Support via new UIButtonKeys
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:57:57 PM »
Not sure if any changes were made to handle this, but I had to comment out the Android override for the mouse handler to get the Ouya Touchpad working. This is because the ProcessMouse() happens prior to the onCustomInput call.


I am trying to port a fully working NGUI game to Ouya and running into some murky waters.
From some of the Ouya reference posts on this forum, I tried using CustomInput for the UICamera like so:

UICamera.onCustomInput += OuyaInput;

And in the function, I am able to capture the controller button clicks and axis values.

I am a little lost as to
1. how to translate the axis values and button clicks (say O-button click) so NGUI can set the UICamera.selectedobject and trigger OnPress/OnDrag etc.

2. if this needs to be added to every single button and object in the game which works with drag-drop or if I can have a central script that can interface with NGUI.

3. I noticed the Input.GetKey and Input.GetAxis are function pointers in UICamera. Can they be overridden to get data from Ouya in that environment?

Any help is much appreciated.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Fixing Aspect Ratio and Mouse Position
« on: September 05, 2014, 03:34:29 PM »
I apologize for not using the updated version.

Having upgraded to NGUI v3.7.1, updating some code dependencies and setting the UIRoot to Constrained as suggested, the initial Mouse cursor position differing from the object position is fixed but the Anchor system is broken/different (?).

I see a "UIAnchor is deprecated.." message. And previously UIAnchor'd elements to the top and bottom are  floating to the top and bottom (of the view?)

For prefabs that are instantiated at run-time, I am not sure what I should Anchor them to now, for the "Unified" option on the widget.

I am a bit confused and would appreciate if you can point to a tutorial or documentation to understand whats happening.

Thanks a ton.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Fixing Aspect Ratio and Mouse Position
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:59:45 AM »
If you want to go with #3, set the UIRoot to use a Constrained scaling style, choose the desired resolution and check both Constrain Width and Height's Fit options.

Thanks Aren. I have the UIRoot already set to FixedSize with Manual Height 1442, which does not help with the mouse position being different from the GameObject's.

I dont see the Constrain Width and Height fit options you mentioned. Pointers, please.

NGUI 3 Support / Fixing Aspect Ratio and Mouse Position
« on: September 04, 2014, 06:13:23 PM »

I am relatively new to Unity and NGUI and am struggling with setting up the UI for multi-resolution/multi-aspect ratio devices.

The UI is now built for 16:9, using assets sized appropriately for 2560x1442.
To use it on 4:3 devices, I understand there are 3 options:
  • Using NGUI's Anchor and Stretch system, adjust the entire GUI.
  • Use different scenes for different aspect ratios along with different assets and dynamically show the scenes at run-time based on the device
  • Make the 16:9 show on 4:3 devices with black bars on top.

Since both are quite time-consuming to redo the whole thing at this point, considering #3, I came across AspectUtility in the forums that adjusts the Camera's Viewport rect which visually works just fine.

However, dragging objects around makes the mouse cursor move separately from the object being dragged.

Would appreciate any help and direction with this issue.

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