NGUI 3 Support / Problems with UILabel
« on: September 14, 2015, 02:58:59 PM »
I recently hit the following bug(which is very confusing because I am pretty sure I have sucefully generated fonts since I updated to Unity 5)
Ok so I took the route of using a tool to generate fnt files(the web based one linked) and made my fnt file. I went into the atlas make and selected the import option. Selected fnt, selected texture, go. Everything seemed fine. However labels set to use this draw nothing. I also noticed that the prefab that was created was only 1k and basically was empty. This seemed wierd.
[Update] I tried the 32 bit version of unity and it still does not work. Here is the error it produced(which is not the same error). I downloaded a fresh copy of NGUI into a new project just to be sure it wasnt due to having installed a 64bit plugin
Failed to load 'Assets/NGUI/Editor/FreeType64.dll', expected 32 bit architecture (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386), but was IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64. You must recompile your plugin for 32 bit architecture. You have the following:
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
string filename = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "FreeType.dll" : "FreeType.dylib";
string filename = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "FreeType64.dll" : "FreeType64.dylib";
However there is a 32 bit unity 5. Changing this did not fix my problem, even with a restart.
Going back to Unity4.6, it still does not work.
On windows for either unity 5 or 4 when you drag the ttf font into the generate font field it does nothing, on mac it spits up the error about easyfont
On both for using import font there are no errors but labels produce nothing and the prefab is super tiny.
Ok so I took the route of using a tool to generate fnt files(the web based one linked) and made my fnt file. I went into the atlas make and selected the import option. Selected fnt, selected texture, go. Everything seemed fine. However labels set to use this draw nothing. I also noticed that the prefab that was created was only 1k and basically was empty. This seemed wierd.
[Update] I tried the 32 bit version of unity and it still does not work. Here is the error it produced(which is not the same error). I downloaded a fresh copy of NGUI into a new project just to be sure it wasnt due to having installed a 64bit plugin
Failed to load 'Assets/NGUI/Editor/FreeType64.dll', expected 32 bit architecture (IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386), but was IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64. You must recompile your plugin for 32 bit architecture. You have the following:
#if UNITY_4_3 || UNITY_4_5 || UNITY_4_6
string filename = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "FreeType.dll" : "FreeType.dylib";
string filename = (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) ? "FreeType64.dll" : "FreeType64.dylib";
However there is a 32 bit unity 5. Changing this did not fix my problem, even with a restart.
Going back to Unity4.6, it still does not work.
On windows for either unity 5 or 4 when you drag the ttf font into the generate font field it does nothing, on mac it spits up the error about easyfont
On both for using import font there are no errors but labels produce nothing and the prefab is super tiny.