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Messages - Raimis

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI for iOS, Texture Atlas compression
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:50:17 AM »
That's what I did. I have references to atlases and materials and assign material and texture at runtime. Fairly simple indeed. Though this is something that not so many devs know about and this might be a game changer for graphic-heavy games.

Hi again,
Thank you for your reply. If we are making sure that we overdraw background area every frame all the time, how can "Don't clear" be a bad choice? Maybe I am missing something. What we have is stretched bg with fancy shader that does blending and smooth transitions between the screens. By using don't clear we get rid of extra draw call that doesn't do anything for us. This used to work on older unity + this still works on metal. It's just something that doesn't work in gles, though other frameworks still work fine.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Ngui update
« on: August 21, 2015, 07:51:39 AM » the link is on their site under products -> ngui.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI for iOS, Texture Atlas compression
« on: August 20, 2015, 11:57:57 AM »
Actually there's one option that's quite popular among ios unity devs. The problem is that unity doesnt support png as native texture format on ios. It has performance penalty because decding is required, but sometimes it's the best way to go. Basically you put your texture as .bytes in your resources folder, load it on runtime as textasset and decode it into the texture.

In our case we have 90 character cards @1024x1024, 30 levels @2048x2048 (hand drawn, nothing much we can do about making them smaller)... the game was 900mb installed with all these things as truecolor textures. Changing characters to bytes saved us 300mb, altering levels will save us another 300 (did that, but haven't checked yet the gains). Last part is that we still have ~10 atlases related to game levels that have other content other than background. I guess it's another 100mb or so. What I am trying to solve now is how to make NGUI reference bytes files rather than image and load image during runtime only. We are ok with the decompression penalty, cause it's easier to show "loading" for part of the second rather than explain to user why his 16gb iphone shows out of memory warning after installing what appears to be casual timewaster.

Would be nice to have this out of the box in NGUI.

Hi, we have updated our project to NGUI 3.8.2 some time ago and now after updating unity from 5.0.3p3 to 5.1.3p3 the NGUI content is no longer rendered on iphone 5 (works fine on ipad air 2 running metal; on iphone 5 tried both il2cpp and mono backends). Any ideas where to start digging? Last resort is to upgrade NGUI once more, but I made a lot of changes to original code making it treat TextMeshPro as one of it's components in terms of localization and layouting. Would hate to do that again.

Any help would be appreciated. This should be a quick fix related to camera or some core controls in ngui, wish i could mod them on existing version rather than updating whole ngui framework. Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions.

EDIT: Ok, after digging further, there must have been a change in unity related to how cameras work. NGUI stops working (even 3.9.2) after camera is changed to Don't Clear. For us this was an option since we draw background manually over whole screen each frame anyway. This is NGUI problem, cause Text Mesh Pro works fine, it's just NGUI that fails to render.

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