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Topics - Goosery

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Collider blocking other UIs
« on: April 16, 2014, 01:05:30 PM »
Hi, I have searched for 2 days and have not found the answer so here it goes.

I'm using NGUI 2.5.1 and it's hard to upgrade to the latest version without breaking my game or tonnes of regression I don't have time for so I'm stuck with this version.

I have many UIs in my game, each has their UIRoots and a Camera+UICamera.  All of them are culled to a layer called "ui"  And Event Receiver Mask also set to "ui"

Everything works great!  I wrote a script that rotates my camera using unity's Input.GetTouch() but that is very badly written and does not work that well so I replaced it entirely with NGUI's OnDrag, here I will explain.

I have 1 special UI that needs to be independent from all these UIs, for the purpose of the camera rotate function.  What this UI is, is really not a UI but a box collider that covers the whole screen and has a script that receives OnDrag even from the UICamera.

This works really well, however, many times when I instanciate one of my UIs, which has it's own camera, the large collider of the camera rotating "UI" blocks off everything and thus none of my UIs will function anymore.

I have tried using a dedicated camera that is in a different layer than "ui" which was exclusively used for NGUI, so I figured maybe I need a new layer that is dedicated for just the camera rotate OnDrag stuff.. but that still does't help, the collider still blocks off everything.

I tried moving the collider very far from the camera, but that does nothing.  I tried figuring if I can set a depth by making the collider have a UILabel component so I can set the dept(what a hack I tried lol) but still that does nothing.

Please let me know how I can get around this.  If I am unclear in my description I will provide better detail. Hope to hear from you soon.


NGUI 3 Support / Black outline for dynamic fonts?
« on: April 19, 2013, 08:29:16 PM »
is it possible to add black outline to dynamic fonts?

NGUI 3 Support / v2.6
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:01:40 PM »
Hi there,

I got Pro version I bought long ago but in the asset store it only lets me download 2.5.1.

Also are there any step by step instructions on how to use dynamic fonts?  I would love to enable that for my game! thx

NGUI 3 Support / Keyboard typing no background.
« on: April 15, 2013, 05:02:28 PM »
Hi there,

I have many players report to me lately when they try to input via keyboard while they type they used to have a white background so they can see what they are typing, but now while the type, the background of which they type on is transparent making it hard to read what they are typing.  I myself used many phone and not able to reproduce this, and I figured this is an Android controlled area and NGUI cannot control the keyboard interface, but here's a screenshot I got from the player.  Would you know if there is anything I can do to have the typing area be a whilte background and not transparent?  Thanks!


So I have a scroll view that's got a UITable in it, the table will have a list of say 10 items.  Each of these items is a prefab that represents a row.  e.g. InboxRow.. in the InboxRow prefab I've got buttons, labels, and they always work perfectly in this scrollview.

However now I have  requirement to include a dropdown.  The drop down also shows perfectly.. but the problem is when I click the dropdown, the actualy "drop-down List" is huge.  I can make textscale of the popup a better size, but the actual dropdown box is still huge.  Is there a work around for this?  Thanks

the blue "Message" button is the uipopup, that big gray thing is the drop down box in question.
I've attached a screenshot. 

NGUI 3 Support / long UIPopuplist, scrollable?
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:33:56 AM »
Hi there,

I have a uipopuplist that can become longer than the screen can hold.  Is there anything built in to handle it, like scrolling a popup list?  Sort of like how the browser's select list accommodates for long lists?


NGUI 3 Support / A Chat Log that contains lots of text
« on: October 06, 2012, 08:54:43 PM »
Hi!  I created a chat window that uses draggable panel, please see attachment.  It can only hold about 160 lines of text before reaching the limit:
"Too many vertices on one panel"  The chat window  is really just a UIDraggablePanel with a Table in it, and a list of UILabels, nothing fancy... I tried each UILabel holding 1 line of text, so about 160 UILabels, and I tried grouping then so Each UILabel holds about 10 lines of texts which is about 16 UILabels... I guess it made no different, the labels are creating too many vertices and has nothing to do with how they are organized.

So I'm wondering is there anyway around this? 

Thanks again

NGUI 3 Support / Unity 4 Asian Characters
« on: October 05, 2012, 09:32:00 AM »
Hi Sir,

Is there any plans to piggy back off of Unity 4's text rendering for your labels/input/hudText?  I've invested lots of work using NGUI and I can't afford to switch to using Unity 4's new font feature and I was wondering if NGUI would make this happen so I could continue to use input/hudtext, etc in NGUI but get the benefits for users being able to chat in any language.

New Text Rendering Backend

Unity 4 now features dynamic fonts for mobile games. Render asian characters at any resolution, and use HTML-like markup to control font sizes, weights and typeface selection.

Thanks you

NGUI 3 Support / UIDraggableCamera.cs modification
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:36:30 PM »
I'm curious is it ok for me to comment out the lines as below in UIDraggableCamera.cs?  It works fine as such for me, but I'm not sure why it was meant to throw error.

   void Awake ()
      mCam = camera;
      mTrans = transform;

      //if (rootForBounds == null)
         //Debug.LogError(NGUITools.GetHierarchy(gameObject) + " needs the 'Root For Bounds' parameter to be set", this);
         //enabled = false;

NGUI 3 Support / Upgrading from 2.08 to 2.12 weird behavior
« on: July 25, 2012, 12:19:17 PM »
I had 2 GUIs(UIRoot) in the scene.  When the scene loads, one will be turned off(Multiplayer Menu), the other will stay on(Main Menu).  When user clicks "multiplayer button" the MainMenu and all its children will be active=false and the Multiplayer Menu will be active=true.

This used to work in 2.08, but now, even when one of the GUIs is not active, it is still visible, I can't turn it off!

UILabel.lineWidth does not work when UIRoot is not Automatic.  I'm setting my lineWidth to be 75% of the camera width.  When I check the Automatic box of the UIRoot, the text will be correctly wrapped.  However, once I unchecked the Automatic box, which is important to me to do, then the line width is no longer correct.  If I use a high res screen, the text is too long, if I use a low res screen, the text is too short...

NGUI 3 Support / All Text became very blurry.
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:34:11 PM »
Hi this is very vague I know but here goes.  The GUI was working perfectly, in Unity Editor, and also on an ipod touch.  Not sure when this happened... but in Unity the fonts are still perfectly sharp, but when I put the game into an actual device all the fonts and perhaps gui too, became very blurry.  I haven't touched any gui related things for a while so nothing should have changed.  The only thing I did change is unity's "texels per world unity"  But I really don't think that would be cause as it still looked fine in Unity. 

Any idea why things are blurry only on the device?

Thanks again!


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