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Topics - masterhyjinx

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NGUI 3 Support / Can't select any atlas images in Widget Tool (Solved)
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:53:54 AM »
I'm having an odd issue I can't figure out and I don't see it posted anywhere.  I cannot select any images to use in the Widget Tool when creating widgets.  I've created my UI, set up layers and tagged the appropriate items.  I created an atlas and when I go to the widget tool, select progress bar (or anything where you pick the image) and when I click the drop downs, nothing drops down.  I've tried recreating the atlases, re-installing NGUI and Unity.  I even opened the example scenes and attempted to create new widgets there and those are broken in the same way.  The following images show what I mean.  One field says "Dark" but I can't change it (Using the Sci Fi atlas) and the other field is blank.  If I click either one, nothing happens.

I rolled back to a project using NGUI 2.6.2 where I knew it was working and it's the same issue.  Is this a problem with Unity 4.2?  I'm going to try to boot my broken laptop and try on that.

I have Unity 4.2 and NGUI 2.6.4 running on OS X.

TNet 3 Support / Questions about Auto Starting a Server
« on: August 06, 2013, 02:01:39 AM »
So what I'm trying to do is set up multiple stations (at least 4) so that the following happens:

  • The first computer to fire up the game and starts it, detects that there is no server (or lobby) and then fires up both
  • The next computer that starts the game will check to see if the server has been started.  Since it has, it joins it and joins the first player in a game
  • The third computer starts the game and after checking, sees that a server has been started but the first game has two players already so it starts a new channel with a new multiplayer game
  • The forth computer starts the game, sees the server and sees player 3 waiting for an opponent so it joins that game.
  • After a game is done, the game will return to the title screen and wait for anyone to "start" the game again in which the process continues pairing up players to play a multiplayer game

This is for a trade show event where we will not be present so it would be optimal if they didn't have to fire up the server themselves and instead the game would do it.  The issues I've been running into so far is that I notice that if I check for a lobby OnStart(), any given client doesn't see the lobby running right away.  I was thinking of putting a timer for each client to wait for the network to initialize before querying the lobby, but I'm nervous about this solution because if the network is busy, I wouldn't know how long to wait.  If I screw it up, two clients start servers which is bad.  I'm sure there is a more elegant solution to this but I don't know what it is quite yet.  This is my first network programming project so I would appreciate any help/advice.

TNet 3 Support / Unity hangs when TNet server is stopped
« on: August 02, 2013, 06:31:43 AM »
I've been having an issue that I can easily replicate in the ExampleMenu samples that come with TNet.  If I create a server on the menu screen of Example Menu and then stop the server, Unity hangs and I get the OS X Color Pinwheel for several minutes.  During that time Unity is unresponsive and sometimes it never comes back.  Now that I'm trying to write my own demo where a client looks for a sever and if there isn't one, it goes ahead and creates one.  The problem I'm having with my work flow is that every time I stop Unity, it hangs for several minutes.  This is very annoying and makes it impossible to work.  I've tried putting code to stop the server OnApplicationQuit() but that doesn't seem to help.  This does not seem to happen when I run the server beforehand via terminal, but unfortunately, using the server via terminal is not really what I need to deliver.  This happens on both my 27'' iMac (2012) and my 15'' Macbook Pro (2009) running Mountian Lion.  (Although the laptop seems to recover faster and more reliably)

I'm using Unity 4.2 and TNet 1.7.2c.  If relevant I'm using a DLINK DIR-826L router.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening?  Software on my machine?  Bad configuration?

NGUI 3 Support / SetActive not re-enabling buttons correctly
« on: January 29, 2013, 05:05:23 PM »
First time using NGUI even though I bought it a while ago.  I'm building a strategy game prototype and I want menus to appear as you click on certain units.  On those menus will be buttons that are contextual to the unit.  What's going on is that I can use SetActive to activate the SlicedSprites and Buttons once.  After they're SetActive(false) and then SetActive (true) again, the buttons never appear again (Can't see or interact with them).  Here's the kicker, if you actually CLICK on the buttons the first time you've selected a unit, click off the unit and click on it again, the buttons WILL render.  I'm completely baffled as to what's going on here.

Here's an example:
  • Click on the Starbase (The spindle looking thing)
  • See the menu at the bottom of the screen
  • Click into empty space deselecting the unit
  • Click the Starbase again

The two sliced sprites making the menu frame show up but the buttons never appear again.  (As mentioned above, they WILL appear if you click on them the first time they show up.

Here's my set up:

The Starbase Build Anchor is the anchor, with the panel above it.  Below it are the 3 buttons and 2 sliced sprites.  I'm calling SetActive(true) on the Starbase Build Anchor when the unit is selected and SetActive(false) on it when it is deselected.  When I run in editor and click on the Starbase, the Hierarchy shows the buttons as active, they're just not there.  Am I doing some bad voodoo or am I missing something?

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