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Topics - nosyrbllewe

Pages: [1]
Hi, I am kind of new to Networking  and I am trying to convert my FPS to multiplayer using TNet. Currently I am stuck in the issue of instantiating the players. For the local player I want to instantiate a full FPS controller, while for the networked players I want to instantiate "dummy" controllers. Using your tutorials, I can get instantiating all of them same type to work, but for obvious reasons, networked players should be not using a first-person rig. So, how can I create a different object depending on if the player is local or not and get it to sync properly? Thanks.

NGUI 3 Support / UIPopupList Bug/Help
« on: March 25, 2015, 05:28:09 PM »
When I use a UIPopupList on a button, every time I click on it a new popup list is instantiated in my hierarchy. How can I make it use the same one over again? Also, how can you set the depth layer of the popup window? it appears behind some of my other widgets and want it to appear in front. Thanks.

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