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Topics - KeithT

Pages: [1] 2
NGUI 3 Support / Changing Anchor Offset in UIWidget from code
« on: June 30, 2015, 04:48:39 AM »
Trying to change the circled value from code with no luck, any suggestions?


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

NGUI 3 Support / Extending UICamera to add a new type of Event Source
« on: January 09, 2015, 12:43:29 PM »
We need to add support for a zSpace stylus as an NGUI Event Source, so an existing menu system built in NGUI can work with it.

Does anyone know if any one has done this before for other custom controller types?

Any pointers ?

Thanks in advance.

After a day debugging (yay!) why another NGUI upgrade (3.7.4) breaks our stuff again ( ), it appears that this new option re events to colliders or rigidbodies, is only set on the First Camera and it's always FALSE on all other cameras, even though it can only be set on the First camera.

NGUI 3 Support / 3.7.0 (and 3.7.1) breaks hover reporting in World_3D
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:53:59 AM »
Further to this:

3.7.0 also added:

               Rigidbody rb = hoveredObject.GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody>();
               if (rb != null) hoveredObject = rb.gameObject;

in UICamera Raycast, which means that hover is no longer reported on objects within the hierarchy of an object with a rigidbody. This means if you have a complex object with different parts within it, hover now only reports the name of the top object, as you move the mouse around.

Can this be reverted to how it worked in NGUI 2 and NGUI 3 up to 3.6.8 please ?

NGUI 3 Support / Event Delegate for UICamera.onHover
« on: September 09, 2014, 12:44:19 PM »
Trying to register for OnHover events from UICamera in script.

The below works for UIEventTrigger but can't get it or variations thereon to work for UICamera.

            UIEventTrigger theButtonUIEventTriggerScript = theBtn.GetComponent<UIEventTrigger>();
            if (theButtonUIEventTriggerScript == null) theButtonUIEventTriggerScript = theBtn.AddComponent<UIEventTrigger>();
            EventDelegate del2 = new EventDelegate();
   = this;
            del2.methodName = "NGUI3ButtonPressHandler";
            EventDelegate.Parameter theParameter2 = new EventDelegate.Parameter(theButtonUIEventTriggerScript, "ITEM_VALUE");
            del2.parameters.SetValue(theParameter2, 0);
            EventDelegate.Set(theButtonUIEventTriggerScript.onPress, del2);

Checked the vids and they don't seem to cover this. Anyone know how you do it ?

Thanks in advance.

NGUI 3 Support / Number of font limit on select a font show all
« on: September 08, 2014, 06:34:00 AM »
Trying to create a new bitmap font, on a machine with 1340 fonts on it.

When you press "show all" on the Select a font window, the button disappears and never showed any fonts. I left it 15 mins on an i7.

Is there a limit ?

NGUI 3 Support / Scrollable Text Area
« on: August 27, 2014, 06:49:53 AM »
Need to create text area in a window, where users can add/edit text, which has a scroll bar which scrolls as it changes size (rather than shrinks). A basic text editor.

Found a couple of references on possibilities re to do this:

Have also gone through the release notes to see if there is anything relevant, but wanted to check if there is a relevant update or better way ? ....before embarking on this

NGUI 3 Support / 3.7.0 breaks 3D menus that work in 3.6.8
« on: August 22, 2014, 02:56:26 AM »
Two identical projects the only difference is NGUI 3.6.8 and 3.7.0.
Everything fine in 3.6.8 but 3D menus totally unresponsive in 3.7.0. (2D menus work fine)
UICamera handling the 3D interface is set to 3D World events on both versions.

I saw there was some change in 3.7.0 that events are sent to rigidbodies not colliders any more. Our equipment which does not move does have rigidbodies on their NGUI menus and they have this issue, so probably not that ? Would be interesting to have more explanation what the implications of this change are ?

Any suggestions re cause before diving into heavy debugging ?

(We also have equipment which can be moved (picked up), which also have NGUI menus and these can't have rigidbodies because 2 rigidbodies on a moving gameobject messes up the physics. (We have had to comment out the automatic creation of rigidbodies in UIPanel to get around this). Is this collider to rigidbody change going to mean these don't work any more?)

NGUI 3 Support / NGUI automatically moving dynamically cloned objects
« on: July 21, 2014, 09:39:06 AM »
We have a 3D view which has a "2D HUD" system using NGUI, and there is also a 2nd "2D Menu" which appears in front of the 3D view sometimes. This all works fine.

When dynamically cloning existing "2D Menu" objects from code on a GO in the "2D Menu" system using instantiate, something in NGUI is moving the new objects into the "2D HUD" hierarchy and also changing it's layer.

Pretty sure it's NGUI doing this, can this be turned off ? or is there a work around for it.

Thanks for any tips.

NGUI 3 Support / Too many vertices on one panel ?
« on: July 09, 2014, 10:30:58 AM »
We need to dynamically create 1000s of 2D sprites and display them in front of a background and then allow the user to zoom in an out and move the view around to look at bits of the result in detail.

We were using reasonable resolution for this 100 x 100 and having Unity scale so there good resolution when they zoom in, but NGUI is now complaining about "too many vertices on one panel" so I am looking for a work around.

Any suggestions re an approach, as not made much progress on the several things we have tried ?

Thanks in advance.

NGUI 3 Support / Scrollable table in a resizeable window 3.4.8
« on: February 11, 2014, 07:10:32 AM »
Trying to make a dragable, scrolling, resizeable table with rows full of text.
Window (UISprite)
       Resize btn (UIDrag Resize)
       Scroll View (UIScroll View)
           Table (UITable)
              Label 1 (UILabel, UIDragScrollView)
              Label 2
              Label 3

Left and right Anchors in the labels are linked to the Scroll View Left and right and labels are set to “ResizeHeight”

It sort of works but when resizing the text gets written on top of itself, as guessing probably need to call table.reposition() ? and probably at the update rate from within UIDragResize() on the resize button ?

Am I missing something, anyone got an approach to make this work ?

Misc Archive / Series of NGUI Forms (Paid and short deadline)
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:15:56 AM »
Need a series of forms made in NGUI based on a series of Windows forms screenshots.

The job is to copy something existing so does not require much creative input, but you need to be able to create the necessary graphics.

You need to be able to start within a couple of days.

Please contact me if you have solid NGUI knowledge.



Misc Archive / Graph in NGUI (Paid)
« on: May 22, 2013, 05:01:32 AM »
Looking for someone to implement (c#) the ability to display a graph in NGUI, probably using an open source graphing package that then gets written to an image. (Other suggestions welcome).

This is the sort of thing:

Drop me a line on if you think you can help.

Needs to be done within the next month.

NGUI 3 Support / cinput2 NGUI integration
« on: May 13, 2013, 06:31:47 AM »
Has anyone done this, with I think would require UICamera to be rewritten to work with cInput ?

We have a popup list which works fine with the mouse. You highlight the items from the list and then click. This then fires the target "on selection change function" which pops up a confirmation dialogue.

We now have to add support for everything to work off the keyboard and the mouse. Using UIButtonKeys solves most of this, but when you go through the popuplist with the keys the "on selection change function" fires and the popup appears, which makes it impossible to get past the first item. We would like the popup to appear when the using presses Return/OnSelect.

None of the examples cover this.

Anyone done this, know how to do it ?

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