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Topics - jingato

Pages: [1]
Misc Archive / Re: Integrating TNet with Steam Networking
« on: March 20, 2021, 11:18:21 PM »
Hey Aren, I am looking to use TNet in my next project, which will be in VR and on the oculus Quest 2. Oculus provides a some platform features such as rooms, matchmaking, and p2p connection. I'm wondering if this same interface would be easy to use to run all the data through the oculus protocol? If so, do you know how that would be implemented best? I am going through your Steam example and there a few things I don't quite understand. The Oculus API uses a standard connection / disconnection so it's a bit different than the steam implementation, though I think the data still all goes through a single common function (not entirely sure yet). It also seems like your class that implements the Connection interface represents a connection to a specific user, yet it seems like you assign it to a single static instance, so I am unsure exactly what it is supposed to represent. Is the userId of that supposed to be the local user or the user you are connecting to for example.

Here's the page to the Oculus p2p. If you could just let me know if this is doable with your system that would be great. If you could help me understand how it all works and how this would be implemented with the Connection interface, that would be even more amazing.


NGUI 3 Support / UIScrollView UpdatePosition
« on: May 20, 2014, 02:59:08 PM »
Hi, I just updated to the latest NGUI and noticed my scrollviews were no longer acting as normal. Looking at the code it looks like you aded additional conditions on the UpdatePosition function that requires it to have a scrollbar.

  1. public void UpdatePosition ()
  2.         {
  3.                 if (!mIgnoreCallbacks && (horizontalScrollBar != null || verticalScrollBar != null))
  4.                 {
  5.                 }
  6.         }

I was wondering why you added this condition and if there is something else we should now be using to update the position or if I should remove this condition.


NGUI 3 Support / Skew Sprites
« on: May 13, 2014, 04:17:29 PM »
Hi, I was wondering if you had any plans to add support to skew sprites and textures in future versions. This is one feature I'd really like to see. It would be create for creating a faux 3D UI without using a perspective camera and all the goodness that comes with an ortho camera. It could also just be used to easily reshape sprites.


NGUI 3 Support / Question about UIPanel
« on: May 09, 2014, 04:03:12 PM »
Hi, I was having an issue with UIPanel where Im creating a scrollview and Im anchoring the panel so it grows and shrinks with its parent. I have a function that collapses it so it basically hides all the items. This essentially tries to set the size of the UIPanel's width to 0. It was giving be odd result though as the panel would never go below 20 units. I dug around inside UIpanel and found this code:

  1. float minx = Mathf.Max(20f, mClipSoftness.x);
  2. float miny = Mathf.Max(20f, mClipSoftness.y);
  4. if (w < minx) w = minx;
  5. if (h < miny) h = miny;
  7. // Update the clipping range
  8. baseClipRegion = new Vector4(newX, newY, w, h);

I was wondering why this is there and if it is safe to remove this min size so that I could do what I want it to. I tried removing it and it works, but I want to make sure that  it won't break something else as Im sure it was put there for a reason.


NGUI 3 Support / sliced and filled sprite
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:41:22 PM »
Hi, I was wondering if there was any way to have a sprite that was both a sliced sprite and filled so that a sliced sprite could have part of it masked off. What Im trying to do is have a sliced sprite but only show the right half of it.


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