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Topics - pcutile

Pages: [1] 2 3
NGUI 3 Support / About UI POPUP LIST
« on: February 04, 2018, 09:33:16 PM »
In this case i have a popup list under a panel that is aunder uiroot. when run and press on ui popup the dropdownlist is created under uiroot with a big big scale and so it fit outside the screen. i have notice that if i put it under the same panel of the uipopuplist and set scale to 1 i can see it right. but why this?

there is some correlation with ngui? i don't use anyting of normal GUI this warnings repeat at 999 times even if cleared they are showed anytime.

« on: July 11, 2017, 08:55:38 PM »
i must use uitoggle element inside a gui under android and when i click on element it works but open a dialog input like an input element. there are several toggles all inside an endless scroll view. naturally inside editor and pc works fine.

NGUI 3 Support / UIWrapContent and Streamreader.
« on: June 30, 2017, 09:30:35 AM »
I dont' know if title of the post is correct to 100% but this is my problem.
i have a class that load a text file, the name of the file is inside a variable (we say ie filename) and a funtion LoadText, load regular text file (made of strings that  end with "\n"
  • ).

So if i use a button that work with OnCLick to call LoadText after changing the filename inside my class, well it load the text file normally, but if i put this button inside a UIWrapContent (because i need several button inside an endless scroll view) unity say ne when click:

ArgumentException: path contains invalid characters.

So for resume...this is LoadText

public void LoadText (string nome)
      Debug.Log (nome);
      if (sr != null)
         sr.Dispose ();
         sr = new StreamReader ("Assets/Resources/"+nome + ".txt");
         temp = sr.ReadToEnd ();
         sr.Close ();
   //   prodwrap.GetComponent<UIWrapContent>().WrapContent();

if i use in start or on enable when the button is inside uiwrap IT WORK but at second click it give the error on line with new StreamReader. i f i use it on a button with parent UIRoot it works at 100%, can changing name at runnign and reload relative text file whitout problems..
I hope i'm clear..

NGUI 3 Support / gui disappear
« on: June 27, 2017, 08:47:43 AM »
After unity editor restart,many times my gui disappear, sometimes disappear only the buttons sometimes all my interface.
often i discover that uiroot is disabled (but not disabled by me) sometimes find uicamera and depth totaly different form when was created.
Please explain if there is something that i don't understood.

NGUI 3 Support / endless scroll vies sort element problem
« on: June 23, 2017, 06:31:06 PM »
i see example and see only 9 elements inscroll view, so duplicating this and setting right name like 10,11,12,13 and so on after run the elments are not sorted how i see with 9 element..why? i need they remain sorted like i set.

NGUI 3 Support / can't put uibutton over a 2d unity sprites
« on: April 27, 2017, 05:46:29 PM »
can't put a simple button (i need several..) on top of my Unity 2d sprites. why this? i acn't use it to make a simple joystick with button because there are always sprites that are drawed first of the button.

NGUI 3 Support / info abiut font maker + bmfont
« on: December 15, 2016, 09:46:59 AM »
Hello. I use font maker with no problems and to create font i use bmfont. i attach an example attack of a font that I created.
My problem is that I can not set bmfont  to use all png generated for the whole and not as you see in the picture. If I were to use that font there would not need an image to 512x512 px.
How i can d touse entire resolution? what parameters i must set inside bmfont?
if you can help me please.

NGUI 3 Support / Tweens concat
« on: October 31, 2016, 06:04:32 AM »
from documentation:

You can have tweens trigger each other in a daisy chain by having one tween's OnFinished notification trigger another tween's Play() function.

I make this with a tweenposition that when end must be activate (and play) another trigger with tween alpha and when this finished active another trigger position.

BUt i have this--

Could not find method 'Play' on TweenAlpha.  <------------------ ERROR IN EDITOR LOG

First of all fr play a must set all tween on, so every tween begin at the same time.


this is what i want, and they seems works (if i make it all enabled frm begin), but in editor it show the above error, and each tween begin at init and so it's played always. why can't activate tween when on fnished the previos?

NGUI 3 Support / font problem
« on: April 27, 2016, 11:21:10 AM »
why letter like àéèù and other disappear at run time? my font include this type of letter but they disappear only at runtime from my labels.

« on: April 06, 2016, 04:38:17 AM »
Reducing scale uniformly any widget, from buttons to scrollbars the collider will not turn properly and move from their center. I just plain do not do anything I create widgets that work but not just change the proportion, every time I have to rearrange the colliders. Where am I doing wrong?

i idon't know the reason but know have this error!:

Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs(48,52): error CS0117: `Direction' does not contain a definition for `Forward'

I have reimported ngui but error don't disappear.

Another is this:

Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs(35,46): error CS0117: `Direction' does not contain a definition for `Toggle'

NGUI 3 Support / Problem with zoom of camera and button
« on: February 03, 2016, 07:54:30 PM »
i use two camera, the first is a  camera in perspective the second is orthografic. Menu buttons are under camera in perspective and i need zoom orthografic camera without zoom button. I have tried with orthografic size but it resiize buttons so they exit from screen or become very little. I want use perspective for 3d objects plus menu and orthografic for levels and characters of game. WHere i do wrong?

NGUI 3 Support / Localize string inside chat area (from your example)
« on: January 03, 2016, 10:47:34 AM »
I put a string inside a chat area, but i can't localize it, all seems correct i set another language and string inside chat area is converted right, but when i scroll with scroll bar string return in first language.

NGUI 3 Support / UIDragObject
« on: May 19, 2015, 04:24:22 AM »
I have UIDragObject associated to two different objects in my scene, if I drag a single object seems okay but if I try to drag the two objects at the same time does not work. I want make a clone of pong and need two player touch at the same time on android.

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