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Topics - toqueteos

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Texture Mask ignores UIPanel bounds?
« on: November 03, 2014, 10:34:57 AM »
Hi there,

First off let me explain what I'm trying to achieve, then I'll show my weird results and maybe you can help me.

I want to multiply this image:


On top of this one:


So it looks like this:


This effect is quite easy to do on most image editors, but I'm gonna be using dynamicly loaded images to stamp on top of the "card shape" so doing it with NGUI would be more useful than manually for each image.

This is what I have right now:


I tried creating my own version of "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader (with an extra texture as input) but it didn't work. I can't get to work any material, even NGUI's default "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader doesn't work so.. I went the UIPanel Texture Mask route but results are weird.

Any suggestions?

EDIT: I remade the shader: Still not the effect wanted.

TNet 3 Support / [SOLVED] TNManager.JoinChannel, 2nd overload
« on: December 13, 2013, 03:03:19 PM »
When using the second overload of TNManager.JoinChannel:
  1. TNManager.JoinChannel (int channelID, string levelName, bool persistent, int playerLimit, string password)

How are we supposed to know the player limit of an already created channel without connecting to it? Should we just pass some random value into it?

TNet 3 Support / OnNetworkRead/WriteObject? Serializable support
« on: December 09, 2013, 12:47:32 PM »
Is there any way to define/implement an interface on a class/enum/struct so it can be sent through TNet?

I've searched on the forums but found just two posts, one reveals nothing, the other says enums must be sent as string/int and ensure they are properly casted back and forth.

NGUI 3 Support / UIToggleObjects (not a bug) misuse
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:32:37 AM »
It lacks a
  1. [RequireComponent(typeof(UIToggle))]
line, manually adding UIToggle works, of course, but this is clearly a requirement for UIToggleObjects to work.

EDIT: Changed title.

Hi there fellow TNet users!

I've made this script to auto disable components on all other players (tno.isMine == false) whenever they are created using TNManager.Create.
It's TNAutoCreate's best friend, it has almost the same interface as TNAutoSync, just add components (from the object you attached the script or any of its children) and they'll get disabled on other clients.

Use case: each client will get their hierarchy populated with other players avatar's, this will have scripts and components you don't want to apply on every client (Camera, movement scripts and such)

Here's the code:
IMPORTANT The TNAutoDisableOthersInspector.cs script needs to be inside an Editor folder otherwise it won't work. Using the .unitypackage file is easier.

Here's a .unitypackage file:

Hope you like it!

Any suggestions, bugs or enhancement proposals are welcome.

Pages: [1]