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Topics - trenrod

Pages: [1]
Hi,  (I use 3.6.6)

i have a menu where a new menu fades in from right to center. When another menu is selected the current menu fades out from center to left while the new menu fades in from right to center.

I have tried different approaches for hours. The most promising was after the menu is triggered to fade out, I first manupulate the "to" values and simply play reverse. Like "transform.GetComponent<TweenPosition>().from = new Vector3(0, -48, 0);"
=> This results in very strange things like dissapearing parts of the menu. Clicking somewhere does make them appear again. When i remove the changes in they does not dissapear.

Btw. I do use NGUITools.SetActive(gObj, true/false) after a menu is triggered to appear and to dissapear.

A hint would be very kind. If it helps I will try to seperate this behavior into an example file.

Thank you very much.

Pages: [1]