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Topics - iandi

Pages: [1]
TNet 3 Support / 2 games
« on: March 26, 2015, 07:50:24 AM »
I have two different games. Can they actually sync over one channel even if the scenes have different names?

So for example:

Game 1 has scene_1 and Im joining with JoinChannel(1, "scene_1")


Game 2 has a scene scene_2 and joins with JoinChannel(1, "scene_2")

I have connected both players to the same server on localhost:5127

TNet 3 Support / Prefabs get lost
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:54:42 AM »
Hi Community,

Im having the following issue. I have objects getting instantiated at run-time. The scene works fine in Unity only and with Unity networking.

With TNet as soon as I joining a channel the objects get lost. I have added them to the objects array of TNManager. However, even there they are disapearing.

I have added TNManager to the main cam.

I cannot instantiate them with TNManager.Create as there is no overload for creating and positioning them and also I would prefer to keep my code as it was.

Many thanks for any help.


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