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Messages - AmaroK86

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Re: TweenHeight bug with multiple activations
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:36:00 AM »
I'm sorry, it was my bad and I apologize. I just wanted to help other guys that may have the same problem. I think that NGUI is a great UI for Unity and the better it behaves ,more it will be used and perfectioned. ;)
Keep up the good work!

NGUI 3 Support / Re: TweenHeight bug with multiple activations
« on: February 26, 2014, 05:20:43 AM »
I came up with a "patch" solution that behaves exactly like I want. I removed the anchor and apply a little script that reallocate position from the top sprite using the update function

It works, now when I press multiple sprites they stretch while being anchored with upper ones with a fixed distance.
I'd love to see such behaviour implemented in a future version of NGUI, can it be done easily?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: TweenHeight bug with multiple activations
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:59:25 AM »
Thanks for the quick response. I downloaded the latest version, replaced the NGUI files and rebooted Unity many times but nothing changes. I have simiplified the problem to only 2 sprites, one top and one bottom, anchored the bottom one to the top sprite and set the tweenheight toggle on the button's onclick function.
Explaining it it's hard for me, maybe a very simple Unity project will explain what I'm talking about, here's the link:
I would be very thankful if you can resolve this issue or explaining what I'm doing wrong or what's an alternative solution for this problem.
Thank you

NGUI 3 Support / TweenHeight bug with multiple activations
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:00:52 PM »
Hi all, I've been using the new 3.0.7 version and I'm trying to create a menu with 4 containers that expand and shrink when clicked. I've noticed that when they are anchored from top to bottom and then I try to click on multiple panels when there are multiple tweenheight activated, the position of the current clicked panel stops to follow the upper panel and stays on a fixed position. I want that they keep following the upper panel with the same distance I have declared on the inspector. Is that a bug or something? Thanks in advance.

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