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Topics - xiaoniaojjj

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
NGUI 3 Support / Sorry,issues about Depth of UIPanel again.!!
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:41:09 AM »
I have 2 panels(A,B) below to 1 Camera,  A create first, Some widgets of the B always can't  shows on top of B, Whatever i adjust the depth of Widget or Z value.
Could you give me some suggest , how to create a correct Struct for My UI, if i want to  control the depth of UIPanels correct,
I Have some Panels , right now I put it into 1 Camera,  The struct Like below,But always meets the error about depth of Widgets!
   |-> UIPanel->Anchor->Widgets
   |-> UIPanel->Anchor->Widgets
   |-> UIPanel->Anchor->Widgets

By the way, I think if the panel have depth value, the problem should be resoved !^_^。

NGUI 3 Support / A little Issue about Scale.
« on: October 30, 2012, 11:16:42 PM »
I have 2 buttons, They belong to different 2DUIRoot, Their all the value, like scale value , Z value, except X,Y is same, But in Game view they looks the scale is difference,
I have check Their parents Object, i'm sure all the scale value is 1,1,1,  Can you help me Guess Where is the problem?

How to reduce the delay time of UITooltip Shows? I want to show the tooltip quickly when object be Hover.

NGUI 3 Support / How to control the focus of UIDraggablePanel? (Resoved)
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:59:44 AM »
Can i control the focus of UIDraggablePanel?  i want to let the Content of UIDraggablePanel to Bottom of Panel or Top , Like slide the scroll bar.

I'm not really understand how to work about this ..  If i use the automatic = true,  I want to fit the UI screen from 480*320 to 2048*1024,  how to set the minimumHeight and maximumHeight? and Which size base on When i design the UI?
Could you pls explain it more detail?
Attach it's the setting of UIROOt,and shows on deffren screen, It looks haven't any scale,
This UI is design base on 1027*768

NGUI 3 Support / About base of UIAnchor's position !
« on: October 25, 2012, 10:21:20 AM »
Right now, the UIAnchor's position looks is base on the Screen Rect.  Can let it base on a GameObject?

NGUI 3 Support / About Calculate Border of GameObject !
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:58:55 AM »
How to Calculate the Y value of Bottom of GameObject in WorldPosition, like 0.jpg. I want get the Y value of Bottom in world.
I just want to move the GameObject out of Screen by Tween Position. But i want to Calculate the to.Y value, Not Input it manual.
1.jpg is the struct
The others is UISprite;

NGUI 3 Support / Can i do this Effect about Text?
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:35:46 PM »
Let the text around object?

NGUI 3 Support / About the depth of Panel!
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:18:11 AM »
I can adjust the depth of panel by panel.Z value. But the problem is , the panel looks will be zoom(scale) when the  z value is more bigger like -100, have any better way to adjust the depth of Panel. and not scale it? For example, i creat a Panel be used for like Alert info Window.this Panel should be top of all the Panel.  Could you give panel depth value?

NGUI 3 Support / problem about the UIDraggablePanel!
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:36:40 AM »
First,Same Atlas,Fonts,Metiral, I'm sure.
I create a UIDraggablePanel panel,then put a table into it. But when i draging it, The error shows. See attach picture.
0.png is dragging error.
1.jpg is stop when drag to Top
2.jpg is stop when drag to bottom.

NGUI 3 Support / Still problem about the depth of UIlabel!!!
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:08:24 PM »
First, I'm sure same Atlas and Fonts.
I created a Panel, add Label B to Panel, it's ok.. but when i add a GameObject to Panel first, and Add Label A as GameObject Child, The label alway can't show,whatever i adjust the Z value or depth.
0.jpg is Scene Window. it shows fine.
1.jpg is Game Window. it can't show.
2.jpg is the struct of Panel.
Can you guess the error?

NGUI 3 Support / How to change the Panel depth ?
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:03:35 AM »
If i have a few panel in one "UI Root (3D)UI", I want to adjust the panel depth , like i want the target panel show the top layer!

NGUI 3 Support / problem about the Tween scale!
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:11:25 AM »
Pls see the movie, I want use the Tween scale, But i don't know why the position be changed.

NGUI 3 Support / About Position.Z of Widget of UI Root (3D) !! Help!!!
« on: October 10, 2012, 10:53:10 PM »
I create a Label for Panel by GameObject.Instantiate(). See below code , The value from Debug.Log is "LabelFloat(Clone):(0.5, 0.0, 0.0)" , But in inspector it's "(200, 0, -678.3)", Actually the value is true in world, See attach, whatever i set any value for the position.z , it always -678.3.  But no problem in " UI Root (2D)" !
public void Update(){                  

NGUI 3 Support / How to change the size of UISprite to fit target size?
« on: October 01, 2012, 04:35:20 AM »
Pls see the picture, I creat a Sprite for the background of Label, When the label size be changed,have any quick way to  resize the Sprite to fit the Label's size ?

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