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Messages - lynohd

Pages: 1 [2]
TNet 3 Support / Re: Seperate Players?
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:50:22 AM »
Thanks alot to both of you, starting to understand it a bit more now :-).

theres still some things that I dont fully understand yet though. like,
how do i spawn instantiate/spawn stuff on the server like loot or cars for example, that the SERVER (standalone server) OWNS?
but that other players can pickup or enter and kinda "own" untill they finished using it and giving it back too the server?

and where do i find the servers name IN unity?
I have tried this;
but this wasnt exactly right

few more questions,
for some reason I get EXTREMELY high ping on my server for no reason. I can stand completely still and not do anything and the ping skyrockets up in the 300-400s, and the server is hosted on a VPS.

and when i had a new server to listen too the standalone lobby thingie the console keeps getting spammed "added server" untill i stop that server. you happen to know how to fix this?

sorry for all the nooby questions, this is all new for me

TNet 3 Support / Re: Seperate Players?
« on: May 24, 2016, 04:23:06 AM »
okay thanks, i kinda understand a little bit now but im still a bit confused by all this, very different workflow than what im used to

so I have to make 2 different scripts for EVERYTHING on my player? like

1 base class for Character Controller, 1 for Player Script, 1 for Weapon script

and then make another script to for all of them?

im sorry for being stupid, this is really hard for me to understand


Say I have a fully complete and working First Person Controller with weapons and everything, would I have to remake EVERYTHING to make it work over the network?
or can i just build ontop of what i already have?

I dont fully understand.

TNet 3 Support / Seperate Players?
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:49:30 PM »
Hi, Im new to TNet and Ive just got my server up.
Before TNet I used Photon and there to seperate local player to a online player all i had to do was photonview.ismine? Disable or enable components accordingly

how would go about getting the same results here? or is there any better ways? I dont fully understand how to do it on TNET
im using the standalone server

TNet 3 Support / Re: Unable to open port
« on: May 23, 2016, 04:00:39 PM »
Thank you very much for clarifying this :) makes me feel alot better!
I think I might have got it working like it should now :)

TNet 3 Support / Portforwarding and running the standalone server
« on: May 23, 2016, 12:10:02 PM »
Hello, can someone please help me and guide me to setting up the standalone server correctly?
I have literally tried everything but It just wont work for some reason.  I have opened 5127-5129 (TCP/UDP) ports and it just wont work

TNet 3 Support / Unable to open port
« on: May 22, 2016, 02:44:14 PM »
Hi guys, I just got TNet and I've been trying to get a server up and running (standalone) but when i run it this is what i get

  1. [2016.05.22 21.42.11] Checking UPnP status on
  2. [2016.05.22 21.42.11] UPnP Gateway:
  3. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] External IP: ----
  4. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] UDP Lobby Server started on port 5129 using interface
  5. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] Admins: 0
  6. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] Bans: 0
  7. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] Game server started on port 5127 using protocol version 20160207
  8. [2016/05/22 21:42:11] Loaded server.dat
  9. [2016.05.22 21.42.12] UPnP: Unable to open UDP port 5129
  10. [2016.05.22 21.42.13] UPnP: Unable to open TCP port 5127
  11. [2016.05.22 21.42.13] UPnP: Unable to open UDP port 5128
  12. [2016/05/22 21:42:13] Press 'q' followed by ENTER when you want to quit.

I have opened the UDP/TCP ports 5127-5130 in my router settings but that didnt change naything at all

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