public class ClassA : BaseClass {
public abstract class BaseClass : MonoBehaviour {
void Awake()
var tweenPosition = GetComponent<TweenPosition>();
EventDelegate.Set(tweenPosition.onFinished, () => TestMethod() );
protected void TestMethod()
Debug.Log( "BaseClass TestMethod" );
ClassA.cs is attached to GameObject with TweenPosition Component.
If NGUI = 3.5.5, it works without problem
If NGUI > 3.5.5, it throws the following exception
Could not find method '<Awake>m__0' on ClassA
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object, Object)
EventDelegate:Cache() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:362)
EventDelegate:Execute() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:417)
EventDelegate:Execute(List`1) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:566)
UITweener:Update() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:224)