« on: December 04, 2014, 09:16:31 AM »
I try NGUI work with Kinect Input.
First, I use mouse to simulate a human hand cursor in Kinect, it's work. Just do it as a mouse with 'onCustomInput'.
But the next, when I use two cursors and more cursors, I just simulate cursors as mouse can not work. Because mouse is only ONE.
I have tried to change UICamera code to simulate two kinect cursors, I get two problems:
1)When two cursors move over a UIControl both, The OnHover(true/false) events had triggered with two cursors.
The UIControl's 'Hover' state has canceled while a cursor move out it, but the other cursor still over that UIControl.
How to hold that UIControl to 'Hover' state, when other cursor still hover on it?
2)When cursor 'Press' on a UIControl like a UIButton, the 'OnPress(true/false)' event repeat to trigger. I found NGUI 'ProcessMouse' do click is 'GetMouseButtonDown' 'GetMouseButtonUp', its get one time when mouse has clicked. My code always trigger OnPress, because it do click in every frame.
In my demo code, I have two simulate cursor, it use keyboard to control. The Key "W,S,A,D" and "Up,Down,Left,Right" control to cursors move. The Key "1,2" do click.
My demo code has send to 'support at tasharen.com'.