« on: March 10, 2014, 03:54:37 PM »
I'd like to revive this feature request.
I'm using NGUI's excellent Localize function with a CSV database, and the only way for me to get a label in upper case is to actually change my localization database. In most cases, I don't want my text in uppercase when I pull something from the CSV, but in the cases I do, it's incredibly cumbersome to have to hack this. It would be a simple drop down list for the UILabel (Upper case, lower case, none) and very useful for us designers.
While I'm at it, maybe the UILabel could get a feature for having shadows AND outlines at the same time. Also a mod of the outlines to decide if the outline goes outside, inside or center like in Photoshop would be incredibly useful. Obviously I could do this with a bitmap font, but I've got quite a few atlases already and would love to be able to save memory this way.