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Messages - Yukichu

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You are very right, thank you!  Working excellently!

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Static Panels and new UILabels...
« on: September 24, 2013, 07:13:16 PM »
Awesomesauce.  Makes a lot more sense now.

I suppose this means UISprites changing width/height in 3.0 can be static?  Filled sprites as well?  All sorts of stuff.  I like this new width/height thing even more now.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI 3.0
« on: September 24, 2013, 07:10:35 PM »
OMG why didn't I just come here like 4 hours ago or something.  Atlas issues fixed.

Well I eventually came to forums.

Upgraded today to Unity Asset Store version (could we get an 'about' button for an easy way to validate versions?)
Updating an atlas, as soon as I add a few larger images or so just cuts them to pieces and corrupts the whole thing.  The images go all over the place.  Closed Unity, restarted, same issue.  Restored old atlases from backup, tried again, same issue.  Created new atlas, same issue.

Not sure if it's the issue explained above or not.  Guess I should've come here an hour or so ago.

NGUI 3 Support / Static Panels and new UILabels...
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:59:12 PM »
Without me having to actually break a bunch of stuff to figure this out...

The new UILabels having the ability to resize freely, or resize height - should they, or could they, go in a static panel?  I presume since the geometry on a clamp/shrink label isn't changing that they are fine to be in a static panel.  I guess I'll find out one way or another shortly.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: 3.0 and UILabel Scaling
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:41:29 PM »
Well, so far I've had to create 12 different fonts for different sizes / spacing.  It's different, for sure.

Weird behavior, upon 3.0 upgrade, multiline labels will not fit within their space correctly when using color coding.  It sees the color codes as space within the width of the line and wraps it.  It's easy to fix, and once it's fixed it doesn't reproduce, but it really threw me for a loop trying to figure out what was wrong at first.

One hand, the new system takes more setup.  On the other, once the fonts are all created, I like the feel of more absolute control over what it going on.  Just about done with a 3 hour upgrade.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI 3.0
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:15:31 AM »
1. How can I make a modal window in version 3.0?
My window background has BoxCollider, before there was a lower Z value, and it worked fine. Now all widgets Z value I set to 0 and i use only depth value. But I can push through the collider, so i need to work again with the Z value of the panel?

Could you adjust the Z value of the collider to be closer to the camera?

... and congrats Aren.  I think we need a congratulations on your wedding thread, and probably a link to your gift registry :p

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI 3.0
« on: September 21, 2013, 10:43:30 AM »
I have a semi-NGUI 3.0 related question.  As you said earlier in this thread, "uGUI is still better, of course (faster, more efficient, more powerful, and its delegate system is better to boot" does this mean you recommend moving over to uGUI when it is released (and stable)?  What is going to happen to NGUI, and what will set it apart?

I would guess that would be an option for anyone having performance issues, though I haven't really run into NGUI slowing much down at the moment.  Actually, since I've ripped out all of my OnGUI and GUI stuff (there was a lot) it has been amazing.

Without getting into uGUI details, what are your thoughts?  I love NGUI and in particular that all of the code is available so I can see how something is being done and rework it for my project - such as the dragndrop item system, I saw how you did it and then reworked it for my needs.

NGUI 3.0 looks very awesome.  I'll probably upgrade soon.  Oh, and just to make sure it's known, even though I paid for NGUI like 2-3 weeks ago, I don't feel bad about my purchase even in the slightest with uGUI on the horizon.  Love this stuff.

NGUI 3 Support / Event Receiver Weirdness
« on: September 12, 2013, 03:16:55 PM »
Just some inconsistencies in pre-3.0 nonprofessional version...

Create a checkbox (I know it's going away, but still) and the EventReceiver is empty.
Create a new script object for the checkbox, add OnActivate (default function name) and it works.  It's receiving the event by default.

Create a UIInput (more relevant) and the EventReceiver is empty at default as well.
Create a new script object for the UIInput, add OnSubmit (default function name) and it works.  It's receiving the event by default.

Create a UISlider, and EventReceiver once again is empty by default.
Create a new script object for the UISlider, add OnSliderChange(float val) (default function name) and it does not work.  After looking at the UISlider code, I saw it was looking for an EventReceiver object and would not work otherwise.  Once I added the gameobject of itself to the EventReceiver, it then started working.

I believe I read the 3.0 version of NGUI was changing the Event system in some manner, and it this doesn't really matter in the future that's cool.  It was just very frustrating when other NGUI objects behaved in one way, so I didn't think the UISlider would behave any differently. 


NGUI 3 Support / Re: Enable/disable Panels
« on: September 04, 2013, 07:56:46 PM »
Well... can't you disable/enable the UIPanel?

get the IUPanel object, and it's like muiPanel.enabled = false

Other option is enable/disable the panel game object


I believe the second one is more intensive, as I've been told enable/disable rebuilds the colliders (but seems no one knows, or no one I talked to, for sure)

NGUI 3 Support / Issues
« on: August 30, 2013, 03:05:00 PM »
Unity 4.1.5f1
Windows 7

1. The tab-cycle functionality of the UIInput is very spotty.  I've tried setting them multiple times.  The inspector says the object (which I've named uniquely and verified is pointing to the correct next-object for tabbing) it should work.

When running, the tab-cycle is not reliable.  I have 4 UIInputs, A/B/C/D where they are set to tab-cycle to the next one.  When running, it tabs A-C-A-C-A...   I read a forum post on a custom tab implementation, I suppose I'll have to do my own as well.

2. Why is it that occasionally I'll add a widget and just won't completely work?  I about beat my head open trying to get some UIInputs to work, but they would not let me edit them.  I eventually created a new one, and it worked.  I verified every setting I could see in the inspector against the ones that were not working and they were the same, yet... would not work (yes, I disabled the working UIInput to make sure it wasn't interfering with the nonworking one.)

3. Why are there things, such as 'showLastPasswordChar' or whatever it's called on the UILabel that are in the API documentation, but just not usable by default?  I understand I can pick through the code and change it, but... doesn't make sense really.  I do appreciate having the code access, as I just wrote it how I wanted it, I'm just curious is all.

4. I was quite disappointed to find out I have to shell out 15 bucks to easily have the UIInput have a blinking caret, move the caret around the text input, cut/paste, etc.  I would really hope/think this would be part of the default package.  I really understand things like health bars, floating text above your head, additional widget types, etc.  Those make perfect sense for people to develop/sell, but a close-to-core functionality of a text input just seems... weird.

I guess that's it.  On the upside, everything else is lovely.  I wrote a wonderful review because it's how I feel.  I wrote a massive GUI using OnGUI/GUIText/GUI and while it works... it is a nightmare to manage/understand/update at times, and the amount of time developing the most basic options screen.  I'm hoping the new Unity GUI doesn't replace this completely and my money was well spent.

Edit:  5.  When copy/pasting widgets, often the pasted object will have a UIPanel attached to it.  Is this normal behavior?  Maybe it's only when I'm pasting outside of the UI Root perhaps, I'll have to investigate further.  I've seen it happen 4-6 times now.

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