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Messages - wallabie

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Cool, so this means that I can use the Grid with the Infinite ScrollList and have Drag/Drop.


I'm trying to add items to a scrollview that has a Grid.  The new items are being added by instantiating a prefab and then parenting to the Grid.  The problem is that the scrollList does not update to show the new added item.  I have a feeling that this is not the correct way to add items dynamically to the scrollview.  What is the recommended way to do this. 

This is another use case of trying to make an NGUI component data aware to dynamically changing data.


Cool that you've made your own.   I'm definitely interested to check it out when you are finished.

But really, not having payload support in an event system is really missing the point.  Leaving this functionality out based on the assumption that "who will supply the arguments to the delegate" is forcing us into a very limited view of how to solve problems using the event system.  An API like NGUI must realize that the set of problems and solutions that are required are much greater than any one person can ever anticipate.  It's the job of the API to provide enough flexibility and not to dictate how the solutions should come.

 Every Event system I've seen has support for Payloads.  This is oversight that has to be fixed by NGUI itself so that we do not need to re-apply our own work around with each new update - and these NGUI updates are coming fast.  Let's hope that the next update has this fix. 


"And what would set this argument?"  Let us decide how to set this argument.  Don't force us to not being able to do this. 

There are many use cases for adding arguments.  I'm running into this problem already.  Please do not lock us into a certain way of doing event programming.  It is common practice to be able to send arguments in an event.  The event system is at the core of any GUI system and not being able to send along a payload is causing too much restrictions.

Edit:  I really need this functionality now, after hours of frustrations and only to discover that the event system doesn't support this basic event programing paradigm. 

Can you please post a fix that I can add to the EventDelegate file ?


I have the following code:


   public void onPopupChanged()
      Debug.Log("onChanged callled");

1. In the onPopupChanged(), I would like to get the reference to the popup Go.
2. Is there a way to send some parameters to the call back function when the onChange happens ?

Perhaps this is not a proper use of EventDelegate.  So my question is how can I achieve the above 2 items when the popupList changes.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Programmatically set PopupList option.
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:36:42 AM »
I tried selection = 'labelName' and it works.

How then to set the 5th item in the list?

Can you also add drag/drop support to the infinite scrollview because the scrollviews should be consistent.  We were asking for a performant scrollview that can support many items, you promised and delivered, but now we have to lose drag/drop.  What we were asking for was an improvement of the Existing Scrollview to be more performant not another kind of scrollview that is lacking in features of the original scrollview.  2DTK is a sprite solution but their GUI scrollview is even more performant than NGUI, which is supposed to be a dedicated GUI system. 

NGUI 3 Support / Re: PopupList data structure
« on: March 29, 2014, 07:21:07 AM »
Flash dying is a matter of commercial reasons where Apple/Google/Microsoft got together because they were afraid of Flash taking over as a platform.

If you had an xml or json file of info, which is more complex to work with, Flex or Ngui.  With your solution, there's quite a bit of fiddling around to make things work.  With Flex or any other Data Provider Gui based system ( Flex is just a copy of Microsoft forms) just feed the xml or json string into the popupList and it works.  No need for hackery.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: I2 Localization for NGUI
« on: March 29, 2014, 05:59:25 AM »
Forgot to ask.

Is the new uGui the same as NGUI?  or rather what is similar and what is different.
Migrating to the new uGui from NGUI, is it having to redo everything?


Coming from a background in Adobe Flash and Flex, I am finding NGUI to be very very painful.  The architecture was not designed to be data driven.  It is starting to add databinding, but still lacking the idea of a DataProvider.  For example, the popupList onChange returns a string and if we wanted to know the ID of the selected item, then we have to do an URL encode on the label's name. To programmatically set the popupList to a particular selection is also not so easy because it's architecture was not built as a data driven GUI.   

Even though Unity's GUI system is not very performant, it's strong point is that it was built as a data driven GUI system which allows for great flexibility.  On the other hand, NGUI was built with graphical performance but lacks the data driven aspect of a modern GUI system.

Since the new uGUI is based on NGUI for performance, it also need to take care not to lose the data driven features.  I understand that the new generic data binding system is in 3.5.6.  This is great, but data binding without Data Providers is still half the solution of a truly modern GUI system. Since we've waited for over 2 years for the new uGUI, please give us something that's worth waiting for.

Here is how Flex works with data providers.

NGUI 3 Support / Programmatically set PopupList option.
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:53:12 AM »
How to programmatically select an popupList item?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: ETA on Databinding
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:03:13 AM »
Awesome.  Can't wait to give it a spin.  Been waiting a long time for this one.


Does the infinite scrollview support drag and drop operations as in the normal scrollview.  Reason I am asking is because it doesn't seem to use the grid like the normal scrollview.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: PopupList data structure
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:00:51 AM »
This was the answer that I needed for now.

My issue with the using the text label string is in a multi-language app. 

With this Url approach, at least there is a way to encode more info. 

In a modern GUI system like Adobe Flex, a component like the UIPopupList has a built-in dataProvider component which works together with the databinding mechanism. The data provider can take in an xml or json object.  There is a "data" and "name" field in the dataprovider that can be used to populate the popupList accordingly.   The GUI design patterns of most of this GUI stuff is really old hat and has already been done in many places.  Adobe Flex was really nothing new, it came from the GUI system at microsoft.  So really it's already over 20 years old.  NGUI can benefit greatly if it can borrow some of these time tested solutions.  From your comments regarding how to encode data in the popupList, you really need to look at Flex then you will know which dinosaur genre NGUI belongs to.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: PopupList data structure
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:31:58 AM »
I'm coming from many years working with Adobe Flex Framework so this string is quite basic.  This is not really a solid approach to a modern GUI system.  Please have a look at how DaikonForge does its data binding. 

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