Thank you for the timely reply on Labor Day!
isDragging is public and I'm using it per the documentation to determine whether the OnPress(false) is occurring at the conclusion of a drag event. If it is, then I don't want my context menus (Contextual) to open up. As it is now, they will open if OnPress(true) and OnPress(false) occur in sequence over the same object, even if it was a drag that was going on between the two events.
As Ngui is the senior citizen here and Contextual is derived, the issue could clearly be put on Contextual, but then they would do the same thing I did, test isDragging the way I'm attempting per the documentation.
I don't mean to raise an issue between Ngui and the derived Contextual, but the Ngui documentation is clear on what the public isDragging will indicate as a public field including OnPress events as a result of dragging. I inspected the code to make sure I knew what I was saying before I said it, although admittedly, I could have missed something.
I became aware of isDragging from your answers on another thread when someone was looking to create their own dragging boolean and you said, "no need, use isDragging." or words to that effect.
I honestly thought I had uncovered a small bug.

btw, saw your Unite presentation. Looking forward to Ngui 3.0 in Unity!