The problem i have is surely easy to solve nevertheless i do not know how.

To block the input to my gameworld while the menu or an dialogue is open i have created a huge collider that should lie behind all other widgets.
In fact no matter what i try -setting the depth of the panel and/or the widget to -200 or whatever- the collider stays in front of everything. But that was not always the case.
It could be that the way i structure my gui is a cause for this to happen:
For every part of the GUI - Menu, Dialogues, Cursor - i create a new camera and in the hierarchy of it all widgets that belong to this particular GUI are placed.
Sometimes the panels are above the camera in the hierarchy but i changed that already with no effect.
The camera´s configuration is always the same. Which also means that the depths are equal. I have played around with the depth at runtime but this had no effect either.
I also used the NGUI way and told the panel and the widget of the huge collider to be "pushed back" but as you may guess: no effect.
When i deactivate the gameobject everything is fine. Only that i cannot simply deactivate it cause it serves a function.
My question is now: What can i do to put it behind everything no matter what?
Btw: i am currently using version 3.5.6. I dont want to update but will do so, if it is a problem fixed in a later version