Multiplayer LAN works fairly decent for me as in the following video: a bit jumpy because at the time I made the video, I didn't separate the renderers. But, everything works pretty smooth.
I tested this on the free Amazon server and everything is choppy, glitchy, and laggy. I've read on here that the Amazons free version is pretty weak, so I rented a dedicated server from GoDaddy to test and everything is still choppy, glitchy, and laggy.
Is the disparity between LAN and online games really that big? Could it be that my code is not that well written or is my design of the game poor for there to be such a huge difference?
I use tno.send for everything. Do I need to switch to tno.sendquickly?
Is there something else I'm missing? Or is Tnet not made for this type of game? Its not a high action FPS shooter as you can see in the video everything moves pretty slow.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.